腎と骨代謝 Vol.25 No.2(1)

特集名 破骨細胞の機能とその異常
題名 骨免疫学の最前線
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 篠原 正浩 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科分子情報伝達学
著者 高柳 広 東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科分子情報伝達学/科学技術振興機構,ERATO 高柳オステオネットワークプロジェクト
【 要旨 】 免疫系細胞と骨構成細胞の機能との関連性についての発見がなされてから40年近く経ち,現在知られるところの「骨免疫学」の領域である免疫系細胞と骨構成細胞との相互作用に関する知見は大きく広がった.本稿では骨-免疫間を結びつける分子を中心に,骨免疫学を概説し,あわせて最新の知見を紹介したい.
Theme Functions of osteoclasts and their abnormality
Title Update on osteoimmunology
Author Masahiro Shinohara Department of Cell Signaling, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Hiroshi Takayanagi Department of Cell Signaling, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University / Japan Science and Technology Agency, Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology, Takayanagi Osteonetwork Project
[ Summary ] Osteoimmunology is an interdisciplinary research field focused on the understanding of molecular interelationships between the immune and skeletal systems. Accumulating evidence has indicated that the immune and skeletal systems share a number of regulatory molecules including cytokines, receptors, signaling molecules and transcription factors. Therefore, the pathology of one system may very well affect the other. It is well documented that enhanced bone resorption is associated with activation of the immune system observed in autoimmune or inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and periodonal diseases. Research in the field of osteoimmunology promise discovery of new treatment strategies and the development of innovative drugs to cure or alleviate bone loss in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases as well as in osteoporosis.
This article provides an introduction to bone remodeling and the cells governing that process and summarizes the most recent discoveries in the interdisciplinary field of osteoimmunology.