腎と骨代謝 Vol.25 No.1(9)

特集名 FGF23/Klotho研究の進歩
題名 Klothoとエネルギー代謝
発刊年月 2012年 01月
著者 大須賀 智子 Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
著者 秋好 順子 Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
著者 大西 睦子 Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
著者 田口 尚 長崎大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科病態病理学
著者 Mohammed S. Razzaque Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
【 要旨 】 α-klotho はおもに腎臓,上皮小体,脳に発現し,多様な機能を有するタンパクであるとともに,脂肪での発現も報告されている.近年の研究において, α-klothoが,脂肪細胞形成と肥満に関与している可能性があることが示されており,その成績は以下の4点に集約される.(1) in vitroにおいて, α-klothoは脂肪細胞分化を促進する.(2) α-klotho KOマウスでは脂肪組織が減少する.(3) α-klotho KOマウスは高脂肪食負荷においても肥満に至らない.(4) 遺伝性肥満マウス(ob/ob マウス)においてα-klotho活性を抑制すると肥満と糖代謝異常が改善する.これらの研究結果を踏まえると,α-klothoと脂肪細胞形成や糖代謝との関連性から,肥満や肥満関連疾患の病態解明や治療法開発への新たなアプローチの可能性が示唆される.
Theme Recent advances in research concerning FGF23 and Klotho
Title Klotho and energy metabolism
Author Satoko Osuka Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Author Junko Akiyoshi Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Author Mutsuko Ohnishi Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
Author Takashi Taguchi Department of Pathology, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
Author Mohammed S. Razzaque Department of Oral Medicine, Infection α Immunity, Harvard School of Dental Medicine
[ Summary ] α-klotho is a multifunctional protein expressed primarily in the kidneys, parathyroid gland and brain. Low level of α-klotho expression has also been reported in adipogenic cells. Recent studies have found the potential role of α-klotho in the adipose tissue formation and glucose metabolism. Further comprehensive understanding of the relationship between α-klotho and β-klotho in fat-cell turnover, and energy metabolism may lead to the discovery of a novel therapeutic strategy to reduce obesity and its related complications. Based on recent experimental observations, this article will briefly illustrate the potential effect α-klotho on adipogenesis and systemic glucose metabolism.