腎と骨代謝 Vol.24 No.4(3)

特集名 骨粗鬆症診療の進歩
題名 骨の粗大構造・微細構造解析法の進歩と骨強度の評価
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 伊東 昌子 長崎大学病院放射線部
【 要旨 】 骨構造は骨強度を規定する因子の一つであり,骨構造の非侵襲的定量化には画像解析は重要な手法である.骨構造と骨強度の関係を,粗大構造と微細構造(海綿骨と皮質骨)に分けて,ex vivoin vivo評価に分けて解説する.強度に優れた構造とは,海綿骨では骨量(BV/TV)が高く,荷重方向に異方性が高く,連結性が良好で,plate状骨梁を主体とする構造,また皮質骨では皮質骨幅/面積が大きく多孔化が少ない構造である.長管骨においては,section modulus(SM)また座屈比buckling ratio(BR)が「曲げ」や「座屈」に対する強度の指標として算出される.
Theme Progress in the management of osteoporosis
Title Macro and micro bone structures ; relation to bone strength
Author Masako Ito Division of Radiology, Nagasaki University Hospital
[ Summary ] Bone structure is one determinant of bone strength. Non‒invasive assessment of bone structure is performed using imaging techniques. The relationship between bone structure and biomechanical properties is reviewed from the aspects of macroscopic (geometry) and microscopic structures (in both trabecular and cortical bone), as well as from ex vivo and in vivo analyses. The structures at low risk of fracture, are high volume trabecular bone, with a high degree of anisotropy, which is well‒connected and dominantly constructed of plate‒like trabeculae, as well as cortical bone having large cortical area or thickness and low porosity. In long bones, bending or buckling strength is calculated from geometrical indices ; the section modulus (SM) or buckling ratio (BR).