腎と骨代謝 Vol.24 No.3(4)

特集名 ビタミンKと骨代謝研究の新たな展開
題名 微生物におけるビタミンK生合成の分子機構と生物学的意義
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 大利 徹 北海道大学大学院工学研究院生物機能高分子部門
【 要旨 】 メナキノンは,微生物にとって呼吸の際の電子伝達系成分として生育に必要である.その生合成経路は,1980年代までにおもに大腸菌を用いて研究され,コリスミ酸からスクシニル安息香酸(OSB)を経る経路が明らかにされた.しかし筆者らは,ゲノム解析が終了した放線菌やピロリ菌など微生物では,メナキノンを生合成するにもかかわらず,既知経路遺伝子のオルソログをまったくもたないことに気づきその全容解明を試みた.その結果,(1) 既知経路保持株がもたず,新規経路保持株が共通にもつ遺伝子群のバイオインフォマティクス(生物情報学)による絞り込み,(2) それら遺伝子の破壊と破壊株が蓄積する中間体の同定,(3) 組換え酵素を用いた解析などにより,その概略を明らかにできたので紹介したい.また最近の知見として,新規経路の初発反応は新規経路を有する微生物内においてさらに多様性があること,本新規経路が抗ピロリ菌剤開発のためのターゲットになりえる可能性について,また大腸菌で明らかにされた既知経路についても経路の訂正が報告されたので併せて紹介したい.
Theme New era of the vitamin K research in bone metabolism
Title Biosynthesis of vitamin K (menaquinone) and its biological function in microorganisms
Author Tohru Dairi Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
[ Summary ] In prokaryotes, menaquinone (MK) is a lipid-soluble molecule which shuttles electrons between membranebound protein complexes in the electron transport chain. MK biosynthetic pathway was established through pioneering studies with E. coli, which derived from chorismate via o-succinylbenzoate. This was long accepted as the primary pathway. However, some years ago, there was a revision in the understanding of two successive biosynthetic steps, which lead to the conversion of isochorismate into 2-succinyl-6-hydroxy-2,4-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylate, were revised.
In contrast, Streptomyces coelicolor, whose genome sequencing has been completed, does not possess orthologues of the thus identified men genes, except for the two genes, menA and menG, which catalyse prenylation and methylation, respectively, although the strain produces MK. We therefore investigated this novel pathway. On the basis of bioinformatic screenings, gene knockouts, shotgun cloning with isolated mutants and in vitro studies with recombinant enzymes, we deduced the outline of the pathway (futalosine pathway). Moreover, we recently found that aminodeoxyfutalosine, which has adenine instead of hypoxanthine in futalosine, is directly converted into DHFL by an MqnB of Helicobacter pylori. Therefore, this step is potentially an attractive target for the development of specific anti-H. pylori drugs. In this review, details of the recent studies of both traditionally recognized and new pathways are presented.