腎と骨代謝 Vol.22 No.2(9)

連載名 [連載]Case Report
題名 シナカルセト塩酸塩隔日投与による消化器副作用の減少
発刊年月 2009年 04月
著者 近森 正昭 近森病院透析外来
【 要旨 】 シナカルセト塩酸塩の消化器副作用発生が多いため,透析日の隔日投与とした.2カ月の投与で副作用があり中止したのは1例,3カ月でi-PTHは49%低下し,副作用の減少と隔日投与の有効性を確認した.
Series [Series]Case Report
Title Decreasing intestinal side effects with cinacalcet hydrochloride administration on alternating days
Author Masaaki Chikamori Department of dialysis, Chikamori Hospital
[ Summary ] It has been reported that cinacalcet hydrochloride may have various intestinal side eff ects. We gave this drug on dialysis days, i.e. alternating days. One subject dropped out of the study, due to intestinal side effects, in 2 months. Finally we observed a 49% decrease in i-PTH levels at 3 months as well as a decrease in intestinal side eff ects.