腎と骨代謝 Vol.22 No.1(9)

連載名 [連載]Case Report
題名 薬剤性の高カルシウム血症により腎機能増悪をきたしたCKD症例の検討
発刊年月 2009年 01月
著者 吉矢 邦彦 原泌尿器科病院腎臓内科
著者 熊野 晶文 原泌尿器科病院泌尿器科
著者 原 章二 原泌尿器科病院泌尿器科
著者 岡 伸俊 原泌尿器科病院泌尿器科
【 要旨 】 CKD (慢性腎臓病) のある高齢者に対して骨粗鬆症や腰痛症の診断の下にビタミンD製剤などを投与され高カルシウム血症を呈し,腎機能の悪化した症例を報告した.症例は平均年齢75.8歳の6例であった.初診時の血液検査所見の平均値は,BUN 48.1 mg / dl,Cr 3.01 mg / dl,Ca 12.7 mg / dlであった.尿所見が比較的軽微であるにもかかわらず腎機能障害が重篤であり,高カルシウム血症が存在する点が特徴的であった.薬剤中止にて,BUN 216 mg / dl,Cr 1.55 mg / dl Ca 9.6 mg / dlに回復した.
Series [Series]Case Report
Title Deterioration of renal function through hypercalcemia induced by vitamin D compound intoxication in CKD patients
Author Kunihiko Yoshiya Department of Nephrology, Hara Genito-urinary Hospital
Author Masafumi Kumano Department of Urology, Hara Genito-urinary Hospital
Author Shouji Hara Department of Urology, Hara Genito-urinary Hospital
Author Nobutoshi Oka Department of Urology, Hara Genito-urinary Hospital
[ Summary ] Six elderly CKD patients were given vitamin D compounds in relation to diagnoses of osteoporosis and lumbago. As a result, they developed hypercalcemia, and exhibited symptoms of aggravated renal function. Blood examination findings at initial diagnosis were BUN 48.1 mg / dl, Cr 301 mg / dl, Ca 12.7 mg / dl. In spite of slight abnormal urinary findings, renal dysfunction was grave. A characteristic of the diagnoses was the presence of hypercalcemia and renal dysfunction. After drug withdrawal, the laboratory findings were restored in BUN 21.6 mg / dl, Cr 1.55 mg / dl, Ca 9.6 mg / dl. The mechanism of renal function deterioration was regarded to be bypercalcemic nephropathy. Hypercalcemia was induced by vitamin D intoxication. At withdrawal of vitamin D compounds, hypercalcemia and renal dysfunction improved. It is necessary to note that there is a risk of exacerbated renal function in elderly CKD patients through administration of vitamin D compounds.