腎と骨代謝 Vol.22 No.1(5)

特集名 透析アミロイドーシス -- ブレイクスルーを前に
題名 5. 疫学から見た透析アミロイドーシス
発刊年月 2009年 01月
著者 中井 滋 藤田保健衛生大学短期大学専攻科・臨床工学技術専攻
【 要旨 】 日本透析医学会の統計調査報告のなかから,わが国の透析アミロイドーシスについて概説した.1998年末に施設血液透析を施行されていた106,552人についての集計結果では,5.1 %の患者に手根管開放術 (CTx) の既往が認められた.CTxの既往をもつ患者の割合は,透析歴が10年を超えると急増していた 年齢では,45 - 74歳の患者において,すでにCTxの既往をもつ患者が多く認められた.
また,日本透析医学会は1998年末に週3回の施設血液透析患者1,196名を対象に,各種血液浄化法の,透析アミロイドーシスに関する治療効果を解析している.この結果によれば,血液透析濾過法,push / pull HDF,そしてbeta2-ミクログロブリン吸着カラムを用いた血液透析に高い治療効果を認めた.
Theme Dialysis related amyloidosis -- The breakthrough is close at hand
Title An epidemiological review of dialysis-related amyloidosis in Japan
Author Shigeru Nakai Division of Clinical Engineering Technology, Fujita Health University College
[ Summary ] On the basis of the results of a statistical survey conducted by the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, the situation concerning dialysis-related amyloidosis in Japan is summarized. Out of the 106,552 patients who underwent facility hemodialysis in 1998, 5.1 % developed carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The percentage of patients requiring surgical carpal tunnel release (CTx) rapidly increases when the period on dialysis exceeds 10 years. The number of patients with CTx was large in patients between 45 and 74 years old. The society also analyzed risk factors related to incidence of CTx in the first year in 48,089 patients who underwent in-facility hemodialysis in 1997 three times a week but did not receive CTx procedures. From the results of this study, aging and a long history of dialysis (10 years or more) are considered to be strong risk factors for CTx development. Furthermore, the society analyzed the therapeutic effects of various blood purification methods on dialysis-related amyloidosis in 1,196 patients who underwent facility hemodialysis three times a week in 1998. From the results of that study a strong therapeutic effect was observed for hemodiafiltration (HDF), push / pull HDF treatment, as well as hemodialysis using a beta2-microglobulin adsorption column.