腎と骨代謝 Vol.22 No.1(1)

特集名 透析アミロイドーシス -- ブレイクスルーを前に
題名 1. beta2-ミクログロブリンのアミロイド線維化
発刊年月 2009年 01月
著者 大越 忠和 福井大学医学部病因病態医学講座分子病理学領域
著者 長谷川 一浩 福井大学医学部病因病態医学講座分子病理学領域
著者 内木 宏延 福井大学医学部病因病態医学講座分子病理学領域
【 要旨 】 試験管内におけるアミロイド線維形成反応解析には,チオフラビンTを用いた分光蛍光定量法や,電子顕微鏡による形態観察,および円二色性スペクトルなどによる立体構造解析が用いられる.アミロイド線維の試験管内形成は,重合核依存性重合機構により説明することが可能である.われわれはbeta2-ミクログロブリン (beta2-m) アミロイド線維形成過程を詳しく解析することで,前駆体蛋白質からの重合核形成,前駆体蛋白質のアミロイド原性への構造変化を伴った線維伸長反応,および形成された線維が生体分子との相互作用により安定化する必要があることを示した.精製した前駆体蛋白質を用いた試験管内反応機構解析は,生体で生じている分子間相互作用を探求するために有効である.
Theme Dialysis related amyloidosis -- The breakthrough is close at hand
Title Mechanisms of Abeta2-m amyloid fibril formation
Author Tadakazu Ookoshi Division of Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathological Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui
Author Kazuhiro Hasegawa Division of Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathological Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui
Author Hironobu Naiki Division of Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathological Sciences, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui
[ Summary ] beta2-Microgllobulin-related (Abeta2-m) amyloidosis is a common and serious complication in patients on long-term dialysis. The mechanism of the deposition of these Abeta2-m amyloid fibrils is still unknown. We investigated the mechanisms of amyloid fibril formation, using fluorescence spectroscopy with thioflavin T, circular dichroism spectroscopy, electron microscopy and other modalities. We, and other groups, have proposed that a nucleation-dependent polymerization model could explain the general mechanisms of amyloid fibril formation in vitro, in various types of human amyloidosis. In the 1990s, the formation of Abeta2-m amyloid fibrils in vitro was first observed at low pH (2.0 - 3.0). After that, the sub-micellar concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate, a model for anionic phospholipids, was reported to cause the extension of Abeta2-m amyloid fibrils at a neutral pH, inducing partial unfolding of beta2-microgllobulin (beta2-m) and stabilization of the fibrils. Moreover, apoE, GAGs, and PGs were found to stabilize Abeta2-m amyloid fibrils at a neutral pH, forming a stable complex with the fibrils. Very recently, we reported that some lysophospholipids and non-esterified fatty acids induced the extension of Abeta2-m amyloid fibrds at a neutral pH, by partially unfolding the compact structure of beta2-m to an amyloidogenic conformer, as well as stabilizing the extended fibrils. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that in vitro, specific molecules that affect the conformation and stability of beta2-m and amyloid fibrils will have significant effects on the deposition of Abeta2-m amyloid fibrils.