腎と骨代謝 Vol.21 No.4(8)

特集名 骨粗鬆症診療における骨折危険性の評価と問題点
題名 CKD患者における骨折危険性の評価と問題点
発刊年月 2008年 10月
著者 濱野 高行 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科老年・腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病 (CKD) においても転倒と骨脆弱性が骨折の原因である.腎不全ではcalcitriolを産生できないために筋力低下を招き,これを介し転倒の危険性が一般健常者よりも高く,一部活性型ビタミンDの投与で改善される.一方,骨脆弱性の評価は,骨質を規定する腎性骨症の多様性 (heterogeneity) ゆえに一般健常者よりもはるかに難しい.腎機能の低下につれ,脆弱性評価に骨塩量は役に立たなくなる.これはheterogeneityだけが原因ではなく,血管石灰化をも含んだ評価となって過大評価となるからである.実際CKD-MBDに関するK/DIGOガイドラインでも,骨塩量評価は推奨されていない.従来透析患者ではPTHばかりが重要視されていたが,最新の日本透析医学会による大腿部頸部骨折既往率の解析から,長い透析歴,高年齢,糖尿病の存在,女性,低栄養 (低Alb/低Cr血症,低BMI) が骨折既往と独立に関わっていた.
Theme Fracture risk assessment and its significance in osteoporosis clinics
Title Evaluation of bone fracture risk in patients with chronic kidney disease
Author Takayuki Hamano Department of Geriatric Medicine and Nephrology, Osaka University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Falls and bone fragility both contribute to bone fractures also in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Low production of calcitriol in renal failure leads to increased incidence of falls via reduced muscle strength, which can be restored to some extent with active vitamin D therapy. On the other hand, evaluation of bone fragility is much more difficult than in the general population. This is due to the divergent heterogeneity of renal osteodystrophy, which determines bone quality. As renal function deteriorates, measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) with X-rays becomes useless for the assessment of bone fragility not only due to heterogeneity but also because of overestimation of BMD with this technique, due to the presence of vascular calcification. In fact the newly implemented K/DIGO guidelines for CKD-MBD (CKD-mineral and bone disorders) do not recommend BMD measurement. At this time, the importance of parathyroid hormone in determining bone fragility is stressed. A survey on the prevalence of hip fractures by the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy recently revealed that advanced age, female gender, longer dialysis duration, diabetes mellitus, and malnutrition (low serum creatinine, albumin, and body mass index) were independently associated with a higher likelihood of having a prior hip fracture.