腎と骨代謝 Vol.20 No.3(1)

特集名 骨・血管相関と脂質代謝
題名 骨粗鬆症の疫学と脂肪酸
発刊年月 2007年 07月
著者 村木 重之 東京大学医学部22世紀医療センター臨床運動器医学講座
著者 吉村 典子 東京大学医学部22世紀医療センター関節疾患総合研究講座
【 要旨 】 急速な高齢化社会において骨粗鬆症は重大な社会問題となっている.骨粗鬆症の最大の合併症である大腿骨頸部骨折は,年々増加しており,現在年間発生数は10万人をはるかに超えている,椎体骨折の発生率はさらに多く,大腿骨頸部骨折の5倍にも及ぶ.骨粗鬆症自体は症状を呈さないが,それに伴う大腿骨頸部骨折や圧迫骨折は生命予後にも大きな影響を与える.したがって,高齢者の骨粗鬆症治療はきわめて重要な課題である,最近,骨粗鬆症の画期的な治療法につながる因子として脂肪酸から合成されるプロスタグランジンが注目を集めており,プロスタグランジン製剤による骨粗鬆症治療の実現が待たれる.
Theme Lipid metabolism and bone-vascular relationship
Title Epidemiology of osteoporosis, and its association with fatty acid
Author Shigeyuki Muraki Department of Clinical Motor System Medicine, 22nd Century Medical and Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
Author Noriko Yoshimura Department of Joint Disease Research, 22nd Century Medical and Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
[ Summary ] As our population rapidly ages, osteoporosis has become a serious problem. The prevalence of osteoporosis is over 50 % in women and over 30 % in men in their 80's. The incidence of hip fractures, which are the most serious complication for osteoporosis patients, is increasing. There are over 100 thousands new osteoporosis patients a year. The incidence of vertebral fractures is still five times that of the number of hip fractures. The incidence of hip and vertebral fractures rapidly increases in those over 70 years of age. No symptoms are present with osteoporosis itself, however, osteoporotic fractures, especially hip fractures and vertebral fractures, are associated with high mortality rates, up to five years after the occurrence of the fracture. Thus, therapy for osteoporosis in the elderly is quite important. Recently, prostaglandin (PG), which is synthesized from fatty acids, has become a hopeful new agent for osteoporosis therapy. Prostaglandin E2, has an important role for both bone formation and absorption, and is associated with increasing bone mineral density under mechanical stress. However, PGE2 cannnot be used for osteoporosis therapy because of present side effects. Development of PGE2 agents without side effects is on going.