腎と骨代謝 Vol.20 No.2(6)

特集名 CKD-MBDに関するエビデンスとガイドライン
題名 副甲状腺摘出術 (parathyroidectomy : PTx) に関するガイドライン
発刊年月 2007年 04月
著者 冨永 芳博 名古屋第二赤十字病院移植・内分泌外科
【 要旨 】 日本透析医学会より透析患者の副甲状腺機能亢進症のガイドラインが提示された.本ガイドラインの基本的姿勢は,生命予後をアウトカムとした点にある.内科的治療にても目標域に,P,Ca,PTH値を管理できない場合には副甲状腺摘出術 (PTx),または経皮的エタノール注入療法 (PEIT) を考慮すべきである.具体的にはintact-PTH > 500 pg / mlでは強く推奨され,超音波検査で結節性過形成の存在が推測されることは適応決定の重要な要因となる.1腺のみが腫大している症例ではPEITのみで長期間管理できることが期待できる.それ以外の症例ではPTxに委ねるべきである.
Theme Evidence-based clinical guidelines for CKD-MBD in Japan
Title Parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic dialysis patients
Author Yoshihiro Tominaga Department of Transplant & Endocrine Surgery, Nagoya 2nd Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy proposed guidelines for the management of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic dialysis patients. These guidelines were developed based on improving survival rates for hemodialysis patients. When blood phosphate, calcium or parathyroid hormone levels exceed target ranges, parathyroid intervention, including parathyroidectomy and percutaneous ethanol injection therapy, should be considered. When high PTH levels (intact-PTH > 500 pg / ml) persist and hyperphosphatemia or hypercalcemia can not be controlled by medical treatment, parathyroid intervention is strongly recommended. The detection of nodular hyperplastic glands (the volume of the gland estimated by ultrasonography > 500 mm3 or diameter of gland > 1 cm) is one useful factor to predict resistance to medical management. Concerning the progression of ectopic calcification, parathyroid intervention should be performed at a relatively early stage of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Superior results in efficacy rate, remission period and risk of relapse are obtained when PElT is restricted to patients with only one hyperplastic gland > 500 mm3. If more than one enlarged gland is detected with parathyroid imaging, parathyroidectomy should be chosen to avoid the injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve.