腎と骨代謝 Vol.20 No.1(1)

特集名 Ca/P/Mg輸送調節の新展開 -- 基礎と臨床
題名 カルシウム恒常性制御におけるα-Klothoの機能
発刊年月 2007年 01月
著者 鍋島 陽一 京都大学大学院医学研究科腫瘍生物学講座
【 要旨 】 α-klothoは多彩な早期老化症状,とりわけ,顕著なカルシウム代謝異常を呈する変異マウスの原因遣伝子として同定された.α-KlothoはNa+,K+-ATPaseと結合しており,細胞外カルシウムの低下に伴い,Na+,K+-ATPaseを細胞膜にリクルートし,その活性を制御している.Na+,K+-ATPaseによって作り出されたNa+の濃度勾配,あるいは膜電位の変化によってカルシウムの輸送 (腎臓遠位尿細管,脳の脈絡膜),あるいはPTHの分泌が誘導される.また,α-KlothoはFGF23と協調して1α-hydroxylase遺伝子の発現を負に制御するシグナルを伝達し,活性型ビタミンDの合成を抑制している,これらの事実はα-Klothoはカルシウム代謝制御の中心的な制御因子であることを示しており,同時に,これまでの概念の変更と新たな概念の確立を支持するものである.
Theme New aspect of calcium, magnesium and phosphate transport -- Basic principles and clinical applications
Title Molecular functions of α-Klotho in calcium homeostasis
Author Youichi Nabeshima Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
[ Summary ] α-klotho mutant mice have an average life span of about two months and display a variety of aging related phenotypes. Increased vitamin D activity, perhaps in combination with altered mineral homeostasis, causes almost all phenotypes observed in α-klotho-l- mice, because the lowering of vitamin D activity, either by dietary restriction or genetic ablation of 1α-hydroxylase in α-klotho-l- mice can significantly rescue the premature aging-like phenotypes and subsequently prolonged the survival in α-klotho mutant mice.
α-Klotho plays crucial roles in the key steps of the regulatory network for calcium homeostasis, since α-Klotho is pivotal in the synthesis of 1, 25 (OH)2D3 the secretion of PTH and the rapid regulation of transepithelial calcium transportation in the choroid plexus and DCT nephrons in the kidneys. α-Klotho is essential for the recognition of FGF23 by target cells as well as Ca2+ mediated recruitment of Na+, K+-ATPase to the cell surface, both working as primary role in the complicated, but well organized regulation of calcium homeostasis. Furthermore, α-Klotho takes part in the regulation of calcium homeostasis of CSF in the choroid plexus, and of blood and bodily fluids in the parathyroid glands and DCT. In this regard, α-Klotho might play a pivotal role in the regulation of calcium metabolism as a central regulator of calcium homeostasis.