腎と骨代謝 Vol.19 No.4(4-1)

特集名 骨の再生医学
題名 臨床応用 (1) 再生培養骨搭載人工関節
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 田中 康仁 奈良県立医科大学整形外科
著者 高倉 義典 奈良県立医科大学整形外科
著者 大串 始 独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所セルエンジニアリング研究部門
【 要旨 】 足関節は人工関節の設置部位としては条件が悪く,他の荷重関節である膝関節や股関節の人工関節と比較して関節の弛みが生じやすいといわれている.そこで人工足関節全置換術の成績向上を目指して,再生培養骨を搭載した人工足関節を臨床応用した.骨髄間葉系幹細胞を直接インプラント上で培養し,骨芽細胞に分化させた後に実際に置換した.変形性足関節症の10例10関節に手術を行い,術後平均19ヵ月の成績の検討では,臨床症状並びにX線像による脛骨側コンポーネントの骨固着率ともに良好な成績が得られていた.また,感染などの培養することに伴う合併症は皆無であった.再生培養骨を搭載する方法は,良好な骨との固着性が得られ,安全に行える有用な方法である.
Theme Bone tissue regeneration
Title Total ankle arthroplasty using alumina ceramic prostheses loaded with tissue engineered bone
Author Yasuhito Tanaka Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nara Medical University
Author Yoshinori Takakura Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Nara Medical University
Author Hajime Ohgushi Research Institute for Cell Engineering, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
[ Summary ] The risks of loosening of ankle prostheses are much higher than those of hip or knee prostheses. To enhance early bonding of an implant to bone, we devised a method of seeding the implant surface with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells that differentiated into osteoblasts and bone matrix prior to implantation. The arthroplasties were performed on 10 ankles in 10 patients with osteoarthritis. Bone marrow was aspirated from the iliac crest and was cultured on the alumina ceramic prostheses with autogenic serum and dexamethasone. The operations were performed in a standard manner. All the patients were investigated 15 to 27 months postoperatively, with the average being 19 months. Clinical results were evaluated with the JSSF Ankle Hindfoot Scale. The bone bonding rate, which is the ratio of bonding area to the whole surface of the tibial component, was calculated. Mean values of the JSSF score improved from 40 points to 85 points. There were no major complications. The bone bonding rate was 53 % at 2 months postoperatively and 56 % at the follow-up. This demonstrated that tissue engineered total ankle arthroplasties can be performed safely and produce the satisfactory short term results. Coverage of osteoblast / bone matrix on the implant surface vested the ceramics with an osteogenic capability, which demonstrated early bone fixation.