腎と骨代謝 Vol.19 No.4(3-3)

特集名 骨の再生医学
題名 生体材料 (3) β-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) 製多孔質人工骨と骨髄由来間葉系細胞を使用した骨再生
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 早乙女 進一 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科整形外科学分野
著者 鳥越 一郎 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科整形外科学分野
著者 吉井 俊貴 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科整形外科学分野
著者 田島 暢嵩 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科整形外科学分野/東京医科歯科大学顎口腔外科学分野
著者 四宮 謙一 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科整形外科学分野/東京医科歯科大学21世紀COEプログラム「歯と骨の分子破壊と再構築のフロンティア」
【 要旨 】 われわれは,骨髄間葉系細胞 (MSC) を用いた組織工学的骨再生に関する研究を行っている.MSCを効率よく獲得する方法の検討を行った.骨髄穿刺により採取した骨髄液のうち,最初の3 mlにはMSCが多く含まれるが,最後の3 mlにはMSCがほとんど含まれないことを確認した.この結果より,効率よくMSCを得るためには,複数箇所から少量ずつの骨髄液を採取する必要があることが確認された.MSCを移植担体である多孔質β-TCPに導入する方法の検討も行った.その結果,低圧下で細部浮遊液を多孔質材料に浸透させる「低圧下浸透法」により,MSCが効率よく担体内に導入されることが確認された.この際,細胞浮遊液の調製に血漿を使用することで,移植材料の骨形成能が向上することが確認できた.これらの方法を組み合わせることにより,従来の方法に比較して,細胞数当り数十倍もの骨形成を得ることに成功した.
Theme Bone tissue regeneration
Title Utilization of porous β-tricalcium phosphate and bone marrow stromal cell hybrids for bone regeneration
Author Shinichi Sotome Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Ichiro Torigoe Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Toshitaka Yoshii Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Nobutaka Tajima Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University / Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Kenichi Shinomiya Orthopaedic and Spinal Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University / COE Program for Frontier Research on Molecular Destruction and Reconstruction of Tooth and Bone, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
[ Summary ] We have been developing bone tissue engineering techniques, using bone marrow stromal cells (MSC). Bone tissue engineering consists of four processes : harvesting bone marrow, culture of MSC, loading MSC into scaffolds and implantation surgery. In this report, we deal with bone marrow harvesting and cell loading processes. To obtain a sufficient number of active MSCs for bone tissue engineering, harvesting bone marrow containing more abundant sources of MSCs is important. Bone marrow aspirates from 20 donors were harvested, and then the colony forming abilities of the aspirates were evaluated. There was a diverse range of variations in the abilities of each bone marrow sample. It was seen that most MSCs were contained in the initial bone marrow aspirates. To use MSCs efficiently, we devised a novel cell loading method, using porous scaffolds, with low-pressure penetration. The procedure is as follows : cell suspension is instilled in a vacuum chamber where scaffolds are placed, and then the low-pressure is released after the suspension has penetrated into the scaffolds. The efficiency of cell introduction by this method was three times higher than the conventional simple penetration method. The usefulness of blood plasma as a cell suspension vehicle was also tested. Cultured MSCs were suspended in plasma and introduced into porous β-TCP blocks. They were then implanted into monkey back muscle. The implants were harvested at 5 weeks after surgery, and bone formation was quantified. Compared to the control, into which the MCSs were introduced with a culture medium, the implants with a plasma vehicle showed ten times the bone formation volume per cell.