腎と骨代謝 Vol.19 No.4(3-2)

特集名 骨の再生医学
題名 生体材料 (2) アパタイト・コラーゲン複合体
発刊年月 2006年 10月
著者 菊池 正紀 独立行政法人 物質・材料研究機構生体材料センター
【 要旨 】 骨は,非化学量論的水酸アパタイト (HAp) のナノ結晶と,コラーゲン分子からなる典型的なナノ複合体であり,高い代謝活性と優れた機械的強度を併せもっている.これらの性質を再現するため,さまざまなHApとコラーゲンの複合体が提案されているが,これらの機械的性質や生物学的性質は自家骨とは異なっていた.筆者らが合成した骨類似の化学的組成とナノ構造をもったHAp/コラーゲン (HAp / Col) 自己組織化ナノ複合体は,骨リモデリング代謝によって複合体が新生骨に置換される.HAp / Col自己組織化ナノ複合体はスポンジ状や不織布状に容易に成型できることから,骨再生医療の足場材料としての応用も期待される.
Theme Bone tissue regeneration
Title Hydroxyapatite / collagen composites
Author Masanori Kikuchi Biomaterials Center, National Institute for Materials Science
[ Summary ] Bone is a typical nanocomposite composed of non-stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanocrystals and collagen (Col) molecules. It has high metabolic activities and excellent mechanical properties. In order to realize these characteristics, many composites of HAp and Col have been being proposed. However, their mechanical and biological properties are far different from those of natural bone. The authors proposed a novel HAp / Col nanocomposite, synthesized via self-organization between HAp and Col. The nanocomposite has a bone-like nanostructure and chemical composition. Its bone tissue reactions are very similar to those of autogenous bone, i. e., the composites are resorbed by osteoclasts followed by new bone formation in resorption lacnae by osteoblasts. Thus, the HAp / Col self-organized nanocomposites are incorporated into the bone remodeling metabolism. Sponge like porous bodies and flexible membranes, that are very suitable for bone tissue engineering, as well as bone fillers, are easily prepared from the nanocomposites. The nanocomposites are expected to be usefull in the bone tissue engineering field.