腎と骨代謝 Vol.19 No.1(2-2)

特集名 糖尿病と骨・カルシウム代謝異常
題名 糖尿病患者での骨・カルシウム代謝異常 (2) 骨量・骨折率
発刊年月 2006年 01月
著者 福本 誠二 東京大学医学部附属病院腎臓・内分泌内科
【 要旨 】 1型糖尿病では骨量の減少が認められるとする報告が多いのに対し,2型糖尿病患者の骨量,骨折率についての見解は分かれていた.近年の大規模臨床研究により,2型糖尿病患者では,年齢やbody mass indexで補正した骨量が高く,一方,骨量や年齢などで補正した骨折率も高いという成績が集積しつつある.ただし,人種間の差異や糖尿病コントロール状況が骨量や骨折に及ぼす効果など,これらの臨床研究では明らかにされていない点も残されている.今後これらの臨床データと糖尿病が骨・ミネラル代謝に及ぼす効果に関する基礎的検討の成果を合わせることにより,糖尿病と骨代謝の関連の詳細が解明されるものと考えられる.
Theme Impaired metabolism of bone and calcium in diabetes mellitus
Title Bone and mineral metabolism in diabetics -- Bone mineral density and fracture risk
Author Seiji Fukumoto Division of Nephrology & Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tokyo Hospital
[ Summary ] Previous studies have indicated that bone mineral density is lower in patients with type I diabetes. In contrast, contradictory results have been published concerning bone mineral density and fracture risks in type II diabetics. Recent large scale clinical studies have revealed that bone mineral density is high in type II diabetics even after adjustments for several contributing factors including age and body mass index. They also have shown that the risk of fractures is high in patients with type II diabetes after adjustments for bone mineral density and age. However, there still remain unanswered questions such as what are the effects of diabetes on bone mass and fracture risk in different races and what are the effects of improvement of glucose metabolism on these parameters. These clinical data, together with results from basic research investigating the mechanisms of the effects of diabetes on bone and mineral metabolism will contribute to the elucidation of the detailed relationship between diabetes and bone metabolism.