腎と骨代謝 Vol.18 No.2(5)

特集名 骨・ミネラル代謝調節とFGF23
題名 低リン血症性くる病とFGF23
発刊年月 2005年 04月
著者 道上 敏美 大阪府立母子保健総合医療センター研究所環境影響部門
著者 大薗 惠一 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科生体統合医学/小児発達医学
【 要旨 】 FGF23の同定は,低リン血症性くる病の病態理解に大きく貢献した.常染色体優性低リン血症性くる病 (ADHR) はFGF23の機能獲得型変異にもとづき,変異によりFGF23が分解されなくなるために活性が持続し,低リン血症をきたすと考えられている.一方,頻度の高いX染色体連鎖性優性低リン血症性くる病 (XLH) は,エンドペプチダーゼをコードするPHEX遺伝子の変異に基づく.PHEX遺伝子産物がFGF23の不活化に直接関与するかどうかについては現在では否定的であり,PHEXとFGF23の機能的連関については,さらなる解析を要する.
Theme FGF23 as a regulatory factor of bone and mineral metabolism
Title Hypophosphatemic rickets and FGF23
Author Toshimi Michigami Department of Environmental Medicine Osaka Medical Center and Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health
Author Keiichi Ozono Department of Pediatrics, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Our understanding of the molecular and biochemical bases of hypophosphatemic disorders is rapidly expanding. Studies of two types of inherited hypophosphatemic rickets, autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR), and X-linked hypohosphatemic rickets (XLH) have identified fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and PHEX, respectively, as the responsible genes for these disorders. ADHR is caused by missense mutations in the RXXR motif of FGF23, which prevents proteolytic inactivation. It is presumed that the increased full length active form of FGF23 results in the increased urinary loss of phosphate and hypophosphatemia in ADHR. The enzyme responsible for the cleavage of FGF23 has not been identified. PHEX encodes a endopeptidase, and one report has suggested that recombinant PHEX may cleave FGF23 at the RXXR motif. However, other studies have failed to confirm the cleavage of FGF23 by PHEX. Additional studies are necessary to determine how PHEX may regulate FGF23 action.