腎と骨代謝 Vol.18 No.2(3)

特集名 骨・ミネラル代謝調節とFGF23
題名 フォスファトニン:リン恒常性および硬組織石灰化調節因子
発刊年月 2005年 04月
著者 米田 俊之 大阪大学大字院歯学研究科生化学講座
【 要旨 】 低リン血症,高リン尿症,ならびに硬組織の石灰化不全による骨軟化症を示す遺伝的疾患 (XLH, ADHR),あるいは腫瘍随伴性症候群 (OHO) の病態解析により,ホルモン様リン代謝調節因子フォスファトニンの存在が予測され,さらにその候補分子としてFGF23, MEPE, あるいはsFRP-4が同定され,それらの分子の生物学的作用の解明が進んでいる.これらの研究が進展することにより,リンレベル恒常性の維持,調節のメカニズム,その異常に伴う骨形成不全との関連が明らかにされ,骨代謝研究にこれまでとは異なる視点,アプローチがもたらされることは確実であり,新たな展開が期待される.
Theme FGF23 as a regulatory factor of bone and mineral metabolism
Title Phosphatonin : A class of molecules regulating phosphate homeostasis and hard tissue mineralization
Author Toshiyuki Yoneda Department of Biochemistry, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
[ Summary ] While our understanding of the regulation of calcium homeostasis has significantly advanced, little has been known about the mechanisms by which phosphate homeostasis is controlled until recently. Studies on inherited diseases such as X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH) and autosomal dominant hypophosphatemic rickets (ADHR) or paraneoplastic syndromes such as oncogenic hypophosphatemic osteomalacia (OHO) that are associated with hypophosphatemia, phosphaturia and impaired ossification have led us to search for a phosphate lowering and calcification inhibiting circulating hormone-like factor. This factor is generically called “phosphatonin”. At the moment, three candidate molecules for phosphatonin have been identified, they are fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE) and secreted frizzled-related protein-4 (sFRP-4). In this chapter, I will describe our current knowledge of the biological functions of these molecules in physiologic and pathologic conditions with a focus on the regulation of blood and urinary phosphate levels and hard tissue mineralization. It is certain that deepening our insights into the mechanism of phosphate homeostasis and skeletal calcification will allow us to study bone biology with new ideas and approaches.