腎と骨代謝 Vol.17 No.1(4)

特集名 骨代謝のゲノム解析
題名 GNAS1遺伝子の発現調節と疾患
発刊年月 2004年 01月
著者 金谷 政則 神戸大学大学院医学系研究科内分泌代謝・神経・血液腫瘍内科
著者 杉本 利嗣 神戸大学大学院医学系研究科内分泌代謝・神経・血液腫瘍内科
【 要旨 】 Gs蛋白質はホルモン受容体とカップルしており,ホルモン作用はGs蛋白質を介して発揮される.成長ホルモン産生下垂体腺腫の約40%やMcCune-Albright症候群がGs alpha遺伝子の構成的活性化変異により生じることが明らかとされている.一方,Gs alphaのへテロの不活性化変異によりAlbright遺伝性骨異栄養症が起こるが,Gsα遺伝子が腎臓などの組織で父性インプリンティング (刷り込み) を受けているため,変異遺伝子が母親由来の場合は副甲状腺ホルモンに抵抗性を示す偽性副甲状腺機能低下症Ia (PHP Ia) となり,父親由来の場合は偽性偽性副甲状腺機能低下症 (PPHP) となる.PHP Ibの原因遺伝子もPHP Ia同様に父性刷り込みを受けており,GNAS1遺伝子の母親由来のエクソンA/Bのメチル化の消失によるインプリンティング異常が腎臓近位尿細管における母性Gs alphaの発現を抑制するためにPHP Ibとなることが明らかとされつつある.
Theme Genome analysis in the field of bone metabolism
Title Regulation of GNAS1 gene expression and the associated disorders
Author Masanori Kanatani Division of Endocrinology / Metabolism, Neurology and Hematology / Oncology, Department of Clinical Molecular Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Toshitsugu Sugimoto Division of Endocrinology / Metabolism, Neurology and Hematology / Oncology, Department of Clinical Molecular Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The heterotrimeric G proteins Gs couples hormone receptors to the effector enzyme, adenylyl cyclase and is required for hormone action. Mutations of specific Gs alpha residues that lead to constitutive activation of Gs-coupled signaling pathways are found in 40% of human pituitary GH-secreting tumors and McCune Albright syndrome. Conversely, heterozygous loss-of-function mutations lead to Albright hereditary osteodystrophy. Gs alpha is imprinted in a tissue-specific manner, being expressed primarily from the maternal allele in some tissues (e.g., renal proximal tubule). Thus, disrupting mutations in the maternal allele lead to loss of PTH action in the kidney (PHP Ia), while mutations in the paternal allele have little effect on PTH action (PPHP). The gene responsible for PHP Ib is imprinted paternally and thus is inherited in the same mode as PHP Ia. In patients with PHP Ib, the exon A/B promoter region has a paternal-specific imprinting pattern on both alleles (unmethylated), suggesting that the GNAS1 imprinting defect is predicted to decrease Gs alpha expression in renal proximal tubules.