腎と骨代謝 Vol.16 No.4(2)

特集名 血管と骨代謝の接点
題名 心・血管石灰化の病理 -- 透析患者を中心に
発刊年月 2003年 10月
著者 河上 牧夫 東京慈恵会医科大学病院病理部
著者 吉田 啓 東京慈恵会医科大学病院腎臓・高血圧内科
著者 鈴木 正章 東京慈恵会医科大学病院病理部
著者 原田 徹 東京慈恵会医科大学病院病理部
著者 岩渕 馨 東京慈恵会医科大学病院病理部
著者 横山 啓太郎 東京慈恵会医科大学病院腎臓・高血圧内科
著者 川口 良人 東京慈恵会医科大学病院腎臓・高血圧内科
【 要旨 】 透析例,非透析腎不全例,対照例の664剖検例で心弁膜,冠動脈,大動脈の石灰化の有無を検討した.結果は,(1) 石灰化に対するBUN,creatinineの無干渉とCa,Pの高い関与,(2) 糖尿病と高血圧の関与,(3) 心・血管系への高血圧と透析の期間要因の大きさが明瞭となった.また長期透析では,(4) 心の負荷形態の初期改善と後期減弱,(5) 着実な血中Ca値の上昇,(6) 透析に伴う6年周期の石灰化の加速状況が見てとれた.これは骨と筋肉におもな生理的動態の場を限定していたCaが,長期透析下では組織を“フリーズ”すべく,高Ca濃度に曝される心・動脈系のみならず速栄養性組織の微小循環空間にまで外延を拡げている姿と思われた.
Theme The impact of bone and Ca/Pi metabolism on vascular disease
Title Pathology of calcification in long term hemodialysis
Author Makio Kawakami Department of Pathology, Clinical Service, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Hiraku Yoshida Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Masafumi Suzuki Department of Pathology, Clinical Service, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Toru Harada Department of Pathology, Clinical Service, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Kaoru Iwabuchi Department of Pathology, Clinical Service, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Keitaro Yokoyama Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
Author Yoshindo Kawaguchi Department of Nephrology, Tokyo Jikei Medical University
[ Summary ] The calcification of the cardiac valves, the coronary artery and the aorta were examined in 664 autospsy cases including dialysed, non-dialysed uremics and a control group. The following results were found: (1) the low correlation of BUN and creatinine in contrast to Ca and P favoring calcification, (2) high predisposition to intereferance by diabetic and hypertensive factors, (3) a significant effect on length of exposure to hypertension and dialysis became clear.
As to dialysis properties, we noted the following points: (4) initial ameriolation of heart load, eventually (after 6 years) resulted in severe decompensation, (5) a steady rise in blood Ca, and (6) periodic acceleration of calcification over 6 years, from long-term dialysis. These facts suggest that the bony and muscular site of dynamic Ca-metabolism is extended toward the highly Ca-exposed space in the mesenchymal portion, along the proximal arterial wall to the peripheral vasculature in tachytrophic organs.