腎と骨代謝 Vol.15 No.4(8)

特集名 カルシウム・リン輸送研究のトピックス
題名 脳の無機リン酸輸送体 -- BNPIとDNPI
発刊年月 2002年 10月
著者 久野 節二 筑波大学基礎医学系神経内分泌学研究室
【 要旨 】 ほ乳類脳の無機リン酸輸送体が注目されている.それはもともと脳型無機リン酸輸送体として単離された2種類のタンパク質(BNPIとDNPI)が,グルタミン酸輸送活性をもつことが証明されたからである.両者はともにニューロン特異的な発現とシナプス小胞膜局在を示すが,それぞれの発現ニューロンと軸索終末の脳内分布は領域特異的である.BNPIおよびDNPI遺伝子発現はおもに終脳と間脳にそれぞれ発現し,視床下部神経内分泌系にはDNPIのみ局在する.視床下部におけるDNPIの特徴的分布はBNPIと異なり,この輸送体の内分泌代謝調節系に関連する機能的役割を示唆している.
Theme Topics in calcium and phosphate transport
Title Brain-specific inorganic phosphate transporters -- BNPI and DNPI
Author Setsuji Hisano Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Tsukuba
[ Summary ] BNPI was originally cloned as the first brain-specific inorganic phosphate (Pi) transporter from the rat brain. In 2000, we isolated DNPI as the second brain-specific Pi transporter. Recent transgene experiments have shown that both transporters have the ability to transport L-glutamate, as vesicular transport systems. Although these transporters share substrates, Pi and L-glutamate, expression of mRNA and immuno reactivity in the rat brain is sharply different in the regional distribution between BNPI and DNPI. BNPI and DNPI mRNAs are expressed at high levels in the telencephalon and diencephalon, respectively. In the hypothalamus, only DNPI mRNA is expressed in particular subsets of neurons including neuroendocrine neurons. Only DNPI immunoreactivity is present, in neuroendocrine terminal fields such as the median eminence and the posterior pituitary. This particular pattern of DNPI expression suggests that DNPI, unlike BNPI operates as a specific system for the transport of Pi and/or L-glutamate in the hypothalamic neuroendocrine neuron system.