腎と骨代謝 Vol.15 No.2(6)

特集名 副甲状腺インターベンション
題名 二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症における経皮的calcitriol注入療法
発刊年月 2002年 04月
著者 角田 隆俊 東海大学医学部腎代謝内科
【 要旨 】 【目的】慢性腎不全患者の二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症(2°HPT)に経皮的calcitriol注入療法(P-CIT)を施行し治療効果と限界,副甲状腺機能抑制の機序と腫大腺縮小の可能性,術後管理についてわれわれの検討を基に述べる.【対象と方法】経口calcitriolパルス療法に抵抗しPEIT,PTxに移行せずP-CITと経口calcitriolパルス療法のみで1年間経過観察可能であった2°HPT患者24名の患者を対象とした.P-CITは全例外来で施行し注入1カ月後,6カ月後,1年後にi-PTH値を測定した.組織学的検討はP-CIT後,患者の希望でPTxに切り替えた5例の副甲状腺腫を用いた.
Theme Intervention of parathyroid
Title Percutaneous parathyroid gland calcitriol injection therapy for chronic dialysis patients with severe parathyroid hyperfunction
Author Takatoshi Kakuta Division of Nephrology, Tokai University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] We reported that selective PEIT in parathyroid glands, guided by color Doppler flow mapping, is effective for severe secondary hyperparathyroidism (2°HPT) in chronic dialysis patients. PEIT has become an adjunct to medical therapy. However, PEIT has some risks of side effects, such as recurrent nerve palsy. In this study, we examined whether it was possible to control parathyroid function with this therapy and to determine the cause of this parathyroid disfunction. We injected 100% of the calculated gland volume of calcitriol solution (2microg/ml) into the glands of 24 patients, instead of ethanol (percutaneous calcitriol injection therapy: P-CIT). The intact parathyroid hormone (i-PTH) levels decreased significantly after four weeks. Following one further year of calcitriol pulse therapy, PTH levels remained suppressed. Serum alkaline phosphatase activity and the volume of the parathyroid glands also decreased. During a long term follow up, eighteen patient's levels remained well controlled with calcitriol pulse therapy, while six patients needed PTx or PEIT. Pathologically, more fibrosis was seen in PTG after P-CIT. Our data support that the injection of P-CIT into the parathyroid glands may be another treatment option for chronic dialysis patients.