腎と骨代謝 Vol.15 No.1(10)

特集名 高リン血症
題名 高リン血症に対する新しい薬剤
発刊年月 2002年 01月
著者 椎崎 和弘 和歌山県立医科大学血液浄化センター
著者 秋澤 忠男 和歌山県立医科大学血液浄化センター
【 要旨 】 透析患者においては尿中へのリン(P)の排泄が途絶するため,食事中のP摂取量を減らしたり,透析量を増加させても,P低下薬によりPの腸管吸収を抑制しないかぎり,適切な血中P濃度の維持は困難である.高P血症は副甲状腺ホルモン(PTH)の合成・分泌と,副甲状腺細胞増殖を刺激し,二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症(2°HPT)を介して骨代謝障害などの諸症状をもたらす.とくに近年では,血管石灰化による動脈硬化性病変の増加が懸念されている.このため,より安全で,かつ確実にPを低下させる薬剤や血液浄化療法が開発されつつある.
Theme Hyperphosphatemia
Title New agents for hyperphosphatemia
Author Kazuhiro Shiizaki Center of Blood Purification Therapy, Wakayama Medical Universityl
Author Tadao Akizawa Center of Blood Purification Therapy, Wakayama Medical University
[ Summary ] In chronic dialysis patients, hyperphosphatemia is inevitable because of the decreased excretion of phosphorus by the kidney. The resulting hyperphos phatemia leads to secondary hyperparathyroidism (2°HPT), renal osteodystrophy (ROD) and vascular calcifications. Dietary phosphorus restriction is not adequate to control serum phosphorus levels, and several kinds of phosphate binders have been applied to treat hyperphosphatemia Alminium, Ca and Mg salts were the representatives of them. However, recently new agents without notable adverse events have been under clinical investigation, including sevelamer, which is now commercially available in the USA and Europe. These new agents, with serum phosphorus suppressing action, are expected to effectively prevent and treat 2°HPT and ROD.