腎と骨代謝 Vol.14 No.4(8)

特集名 骨の構造と強度
題名 大腿骨頸部の構造と強度
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 吉川 朝昭 西崎病院整形外科
【 要旨 】 大腿骨中枢端は腰椎椎体に比較して構造がより複雑であるため,その強度を骨塩量だけで評価することは困難である.大腿骨中枢端の強度を評価するには,大腿骨頸部の長さと頸体角,断面2次モーメントおよび骨頂にかかる荷重を知ることが必要である.そこでDXAの解析データから構造的強度を評価するプログラムを考案し,臨床応用を試みた.健常者と大腿骨頸部内側および外側骨折患者に対して,大腿骨頸部軸に沿った横断面と発生するストレスを解析すると,横断面の形状,最大ストレスの発生部位,強度がそれぞれ異なっていた.加齢による横断面の形状の変化では,粽部上半分の骨塩量低下に伴い,横断面重心が下方へ移動し,粽部上端のストレス増大を引き起こした.
Theme Bone Structure as a Determinant Factor for Strength
Title Geometric structure and strength of the femoral neck
Author Tomoaki Yoshikawa Nishizaki Hospital
[ Summary ] It is difficult to estimate the bone strength of the femoral neck because the structure of the proximal femur is more complicated than that of the vertebral body of the lumbar spine. Many factors, such as the length of the femoral neck, neck-shaft angle, the cross sectional moment of inertia (CSMI), and the load on the femoral head, are needed to estimate the mechanical strength of the proximal femur. An algorithm was developed to estimate the strength of the femoral neck from data generated by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Using this algorithm, CSMI and generated stress on the femoral necks of three aged people, a seventy year old woman with no fractures, a seventy-five year old woman with a subcapital fracture, and a seventy-four year old woman with an intertrochanteric fracture, were calculated. The changes of CSMI and stress along with the neck axis were different in the three cases, which were related to the presence of fractures or the type of fracture. In measurements of normal subjects, the superior half of the femoral neck loses bone mineral more rapidly than the inferior half. The center of mass of the cross section of the femoral neck moves to the inferior margin with age. This means that the stress generated on the superior margin increases with age.