腎と骨代謝 Vol.14 No.4(6)

特集名 骨の構造と強度
題名 卵巣摘出ラットの骨微細構造に及ぼすビタミンK2の効果
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 馬渡 太郎 九州大学医学部整形外科学教室
著者 三浦 裕正 九州大学医学部整形外科学教室
著者 日垣 秀彦 九州産業大学工学部機械工学科
著者 諸岡 孝明 九州大学医学部整形外科学教室
著者 河野 勤 九州大学医学部整形外科学教室
著者 岩本 幸英 九州大学医学部整形外科学教室
【 要旨 】 骨粗蒡C骨の量の減少と微細構造の劣化により骨折の危険性が高まった状態であり,その評価としては,骨密度だけではなく,力学的強度に大きく寄与する骨構造の検討も必要である.一方,4つのイソプレン基をもつビタミンK2,メナテトレノンは骨粗蒡。療薬として臨床応用されている.本研究では,Micro-CTを用いてメナテトレノンの骨粗蒡宴bトの骨微細構造に対する効果について検討した.右笘骨骨幹端部骨梁構造を,骨量体積密度(BV/TV),フラクタル次元,連結性密度を用いて定量的に評価したが,卵巣摘出術直後からの8週間のメナテトレノン投与は,海綿骨の量のみでなく,連結性の減少抑制効果があることが示された.
Theme Bone Structure as a Determinant Factor for Strength
Title Effect of vitamin K2 bone microarchitecture in ovariectomized rats
Author Taro Mawatari Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Hiromasa Miura Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Hidehiko Higaki Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Sangyo University
Author Takaaki Moro-oka Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Tsutomu Kawano Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Author Yukihide Iwamoto Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
[ Summary ] Osteoporosis is the morbidity in which the risk of fracture is enhanced due to decrease in bone volume and deterioration of its microstructure. As its evaluation standard, only the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) has been clinically applied, however it is necessary to further study on bone structure that is considered to greatly effect on mechanical strength. Menatetrenone, a vitamin K2 four isoprene units, has been reported to improve osteoporotic bone loss. The purpose of this investigation was to clarify the effect of menatetrenone on the 3-D trabecular microarchitecture in ovariectomized rats by using micro-CT. In this study we evaluated the effect of menatetrenone on 3-D trabecular microarchitecture in ovariectomized rats. The proximal metaphyseal region of the right tibia was evaluated by micro-CT. A parametric analysis of the reconstructed trabecular volume was carried out using bone volume fractions, the fractal dimension, and the connectivity density. Our results suggest that an 8-week administration of menatetrenone protects against the loss of trabecular bone volume and its connectivity when treatment is begun just after the ovariectomy.