腎と骨代謝 Vol.14 No.4(4)

特集名 骨の構造と強度
題名 骨微細構造の幾何学的解析
発刊年月 2001年 10月
著者 陣内 浩司 京都工芸繊維大学繊維学部高分子学科
【 要旨 】 X線コンピュータ断層撮影法(X線CT)に代表される三次元実空間観察法の最近の進歩により,骨微細構造の三次元形態観察が可能となり,従来の二次元的な観察法では得られない形態構造情報の計測が可能となりつつある.本稿では,X線CTにより三次元観察された海綿骨の骨梁構造を幾何学に基づいて解析し,骨梁表面の曲面曲率やオイラー数などの新規の組織形態計測パラメータを測定する方法について解説する.
Theme Bone Structure as a Determinant Factor for Strength
Title Geometrical and topological features of trabecular bone micro-architecture
Author Hiroshi Jinnai Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology
[ Summary ] Microarchitecture of trabecular bone has been examined with a particular emphasis of surface curvatures in two-phase (trabecula and intertrabecula space, i.e., marrow space) structures. Three trabecular bone samples, quantified to be "plate-like", "rod-like" and mixture of these two structural elements by the Structure Model Index (SMI), were subjected to the analysis based on (differential) geometry. A new method to measure surface curvatures is proposed. The Gaussian curvatures for the three bone structures were found to be all negative, clearly demonstrating that their surfaces are hyperbolic irrespective of the SMI values. This finding is in contrast with the existing common concept that bone microarchitectures consist of either plate or rod elements (both be longing to the parabolic surface). In addition, the Euler-poincare characteristics and the genus, both characterizing the topological features of the bone connectivity, were estimated from the integral Gaussian curvature. The three bone microarchitectures were found to be topologically analogous to spheres with one to three handles. The number of handles, representing complexity of the micro structure, seems to be consistent with visual impression of the bone specimens.