臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.9(12)

特集名 標準血液透析を再考する―最良の透析処方・管理技術とは
題名 透析患者のデータ管理技術
発刊年月 2019年 08月
著者 石森 勇 東京女子医科大学臨床工学部
著者 村上 淳 東京女子医科大学臨床工学部
【 要旨 】 透析支援システムは,透析治療の実施,透析装置の管理を行うだけでなく,患者の管理に活用することもできる.
Theme Reconsideration of standard hemodialysis: What is the optimal prescription and management for each patient?
Title Data management for patients undergoing dialysis
Author Isamu Ishimori Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Author Jun Murakami Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Commercially available dialysis support systems ensure safe operation of dialysis machines in addition to management of the dialysis system, particularly for data management in patients undergoing dialysis. Furthermore, efficient usage of these systems improves the job efficiency of medical staff, safety operations, and quality of treatments rendered. The Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Communications Protocol Ver. 4.0 associated with dialysis machines was developed and established in 2017. Based on this protocol, bidirectional communication between the dialysis support system and dialysis machines is possible for some items. However, more advanced utilization of dialysis support systems can be achieved by the same manufacturer's system only.
The dialysis support system includes big data comprising a database that has been produced and that has grown over time during dialysis treatment. More efficient utilization of big data and improvement in management skills of medical staff will be required for optimized and individualized dialysis treatment.