臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.9(11)

特集名 標準血液透析を再考する―最良の透析処方・管理技術とは
題名 透析における安全管理技術―体外循環技術の安全確保
発刊年月 2019年 08月
著者 山家 敏彦 神奈川工科大学工学部臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 抜針事故は,出血のみならず二次的に空気混入の原因にもなりうるため,血液回路や留置針の固定方法は,強い固定力が得られる大面積のテープ1枚で貼付する方法が勧められる.体外循環における重篤なトラブルは,非日常的であるが故に迅速な処置に遅れを伴う.日頃から起こりうる事象と対処方法をシミュレーションすることで,迅速で適確な処置が行えるよう備えなければならない.
Theme Reconsideration of standard hemodialysis: What is the optimal prescription and management for each patient?
Title Safety management technology in dialysis to ensure the safety of extracorporeal circulation technology
Author Toshihiko Yamaka Department of Clinical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanagawa Institute of Technology
[ Summary ] Based on the past three surveys by the Japanese Association of Dialysis Physicians, the frequency of serious accidents does not tend to decrease. In particular, removal of indwelling needles, which is essential for extracorporeal circulation, is increasing.
An accident in which the needles are pulled out from the vasculature may cause air to enter the blood circuit, as well as bleeding. For this reason, it is preferable to fix the blood circuit and indwelling needle with wide MEDICAL ADHESIVE TAPE that can achieve a strong fixing force.
A serious problem in extracorporeal circulation is the infrequent occurrence, which results in the delay in rapid treatment. We must be prepared to take prompt and appropriate action by simulating the events and coping strategies that may occur.