臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.6(10)

特集名 AKI診療のエビデンスと課題
題名 小児におけるAKIと急性血液浄化療法
発刊年月 2019年 06月
著者 金森 透 国立成育医療研究センター腎臓・リウマチ・膠原病科
著者 亀井 宏一 国立成育医療研究センター腎臓・リウマチ・膠原病科
【 要旨 】 小児における急性腎障害(AKI)の診断にはKDIGOの診断基準・分類が用いられる.小児のAKIの発症率は全入院患者の33%程度で,小児集中治療室での発症が多い.腎代替療法の導入の原因疾患は2/3を腎外疾患に起因する二次性AKIが占め,二次性AKIでは死亡率が高いが,生存した場合の腎機能予後は良好である.小児のAKI の早期診断や予後の予測にNGALをはじめとした各種バイオマーカーが検討されているが,ガイドラインでは明確な推奨には至っていない.AKIの支持療法としては体液管理が重要であり,適切な輸液管理および利尿薬投与により体液量の過剰を回避する.保存的加療でAKIの諸症状が管理不能な場合は腎代替療法を導入する.近年はデバイスの進歩により小児・新生児期においても安全に血液透析が実施でき,病態・体格や施設の習熟度に応じて適切な血液浄化療法が選択される.
Theme Evidence and issue for clinical practice of acute kidney injury
Title Acute kidney injury and acute blood purification therapy in children
Author Toru Kanamori Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology, National Cancer for Child Health and Development
Author Koichi Kamei Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology, National Cancer for Child Health and Development
[ Summary ] The KDIGO criteria are used for diagnosis and classification of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children. The prevalence of AKI in children is about 33 % of all inpatients, particularly in pediatric intensive care units. Secondary AKI, caused by extrarenal disease, accounts for 2/3 of the indications for renal replacement therapy. Although the mortality rate is high in secondary AKI, the renal outcomes are satisfactory in survivors. Various biomarkers, including NGAL (neutrophil gelatiase-associated lipocain), have been studied for early diagnosis of pediatric AKI. In the 2017 AKI guidelines, the use of biomarkers is not clearly recommended for pediatric AKI. Blood fluid management is particularly important as supportive therapy for AKI, avoiding an excess of body fluid volume by appropriate infusion and diuretics management. In cases where symptoms of AKI are not controlled by conservative treatment, renal replacement therapy is introduced. In recent years, due to technical advances, hemodialysis can be safely performed, even in childhood and the neonatal period. Appropriate blood purification therapy is selected considering the patient's status.