臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.5(2-5)

特集名 透析医工学の最前線
題名 透析関連技術の進歩 (5) レーザ血流計の有効活用
発刊年月 2019年 05月
著者 江口 圭 東北医科薬科大学病院臨床工学部
著者 峰島 三千男 東京女子医科大学臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 最近,医療用レーザ血流計が臨床応用され注目を集めている.血流センサを耳朶に装着した際に得られる耳朶血流量は間接的に脳血流量を反映する.一方,指先などに装着した際に得られる皮膚血流量は末梢循環の状態を表している.
レーザ血流計は臨床応用として,血液透析中のショックモニタや起立性低血圧の危険度分類として臨床応用できる.過去の使用経験から,1) 血液透析中の耳朶血流量の推移には基本的なパターンがあり,2) 収縮期血圧と耳朶血流量の間には一定の相関関係が認められ,3) リアルタイムな血流監視が連続的な血圧監視の代替になることがわかっている.
Theme Current topics in medical engineering technologies for dialysis therapy
Title Effective utilization of laser blood flowmeter
Author Kei Eguchi Department of Clinical Engineering, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital
Author Michio Mineshima Department of Clinical Engineering, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] A medical laser blood flowmeter was recently applied clinically, attracting attention. The earlobe blood flow rate indirectly indicates the cerebral blood flow rate, while the skin blood flow rate measured by the fingertip represents the peripheral circulatory dynamics. As a clinical application, the laser blood flowmeter can be used as a shock monitor during hemodialysis or as a risk classification of orthostatic hypotension. It is known to be a substitute for blood pressure monitoring since there is standard pattern in the transition of earlobe blood flow during hemodialysis and a certain correlation is found between systolic blood pressure and earlobe blood flow rate.
In addition, the risk of loss of consciousness due to orthostatic hypotension can be classified from the changes in earlobe blood flow rate that occur during standing.
In the future, the laser blood flowmeter is expected to increase as a continuous monitoring system replacing intermittent blood pressure measurements using a manchette.