臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.5(2-2)

特集名 透析医工学の最前線
題名 透析関連技術の進歩 (2) 透析装置の自動化・省力化の最前線
発刊年月 2019年 05月
著者 柴田 昌典 光寿会リハビリテーション病院・臨床工学技士
【 要旨 】 透析医療現場には実際的内容の特性から多種多様な機器が林立・稼働している.テクノロジーの進歩とともに個々に機器の進化を続けたが,高齢者,さまざまな合併症を抱える患者数の絶対的増加が同時に透析医療従事者の相対的な不足をもたらした.医療内容の高度化・精緻化と軸を一にして,安全性の追求と省力化への努力も不可避となった.このような趨勢は現在も進行中であるが,透析関連技術の中核に位置する全自動透析装置とモニタリング技術の現状での到達点について述べる.本分野の動向は現場で働くわれわれ臨床工学技士のフィードバックに支えられるもっともホットな領域である.
Theme Current topics in medical engineering technologies for dialysis therapy
Title At the front line of automation and labor-saving system for hemodialysis apparatus
Author Masanori Shibata Koujukai Rehabilitation Hospital
[ Summary ] At the clinical site of hemodialysis treatment, a forest of medical apparatus, equipment, and devices are used because the characteristics of dialysis therapy have developed ceaselessly based on technological advances. However, medical staffers have decreased by the gradual and apparent increase in the number of severe or elderly patients or cases with serious complications, which also requires highly sophisticated procedures that employ advanced dialysis machines that feature safety mechanisms and labor-saving abilities. Although this trend continues, recent advances in fully automated dialysis devices and monitoring systems are described in this article since they play the central roles in modern hemodialysis treatment. We must note that this progress has considerably been affected by constructive feedback from on-site medical staffers in hemodialysis treatment.