臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.3(3-6)

特集名 慢性腎臓病の看護実践をリフレクションする
題名 実践報告 (6) 腹膜透析患者の看護:導入期看護―若年CKD患者の腹膜透析導入時の家族調整を含めた看護実践のリフレクション
発刊年月 2019年 03月
著者 佐藤 今子 日本大学医学部附属板橋病院看護部・慢性疾患看護専門看護師
著者 阿部 雅紀 日本大学医学部腎臓高血圧内分泌内科
【 要旨 】 小児期にIgA腎症と診断され,進学,就職の後8年間の受診中断をしていた30歳代,男性.発熱での受診を機に末期腎不全と診断され腹膜透析導入となった.その導入期において,本人の透析導入拒否の背景に母親に受診中断をしていたことを話せずにいる苦悩があったため,家族と調整をはかり,家族関係の再構築を行った症例を振り返る.
Theme "Reflection" of nursing practice to chronic kidney disease patients
Title Reflection on nursing practice for younger patients with chronic kidney disease in initiation of peritoneal dialysis
Author Tokiko Sato Department of Nursing, Nihon University Itabashi Hospital / Certified Nurse Specialist in Chronic Care Nursing
Author Masanori Abe Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] We report on a younger patient with chronic kidney disease due to IgA nephropathy who initiated peritoneal dialysis. He was diagnosed with IgA nephropathy during childhood. However, he discontinued hospital visits during the 8 years after entering university. Thereafter, he was diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease. He rejected initiation of renal replacement therapy, because he could not talk with his mother about his discontinuation of hospital visits. Therefore, we rebuilt relations between the patient and his family, and he initiated peritoneal dialysis smoothly.