臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.2(14)

特集名 透析患者における電解質・酸塩基平衡異常―透析液を含めて
題名 コンピュータシミュレーションによるカルシウムの心機能に与える影響の検討
発刊年月 2019年 02月
著者 濱田 浩幸 九州大学大学院農学研究院生命機能科学部門システム生物工学講座
著者 山下 明泰 法政大学生命科学部環境応用化学科
【 要旨 】 臨床工学と電気生理学に基づく数理解析基盤を用いて,血漿Ca2+濃度が透析液Ca2+濃度よりも高い症例の血液透析治療中のCa2+動態が心筋細胞の拍動に及ぼす影響を精査した.まず,治療中の血漿および間質液Ca2+濃度の低下は細胞内Ca2+循環量を減少させ,拍動リズムの減速および収縮力の減退を引き起こした.次に,イオンチャネルなどのイオン電流の解析を通して,細胞内Ca2+循環量が減少する機序を検討した.数理解析は,治療中のNa/Ca交換機構の活性化が細胞内Ca2+量を減少させ,心筋細胞拍動能を低下させることを示した.この解析例では,血漿Ca2+濃度に応じて透析液Ca2+濃度を高く設定すれば,心筋細胞拍動能の低下を抑制できると考えられた.
Theme Electrolyte and acid-base disorders in dialysis patients
Title Mathematical analysis for the impact of calcium dynamics on cardiac beating in hemodialysis treatment
Author Hiroyuki Hamada Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
Author Akihiro C. Yamashita Department of Chemical Science and Technology, Faculty of Bioscience and Applied Chemistry, Hosei University
[ Summary ] We developed a novel mathematical analysis tool based on clinical engineering and electrophysiology and evaluated the impact of Ca2+ dynamics on cardiomyocyte beating in hemodialysis treatment, for which the Ca2+ concentration in plasma was higher than that in the dialysis fluid. The developed tool can be used to estimate the beating rhythm of the central sinoatrial nodal cell and the contraction force in cardiac ventricular cells. A decline of the Ca2+ concentration in the plasma and interstitial fluid in the hemodialysis treatment decreased the total circulation amount of Ca2+ in cardiomyocytes, resulting in both transient slowing of the beating rate and weak contraction force. We also explored the mechanism for the decrease in circulating Ca2+ through a microscopic assay of ion currents through ion channels. The mathematical analysis revealed that an activation of a Na/Ca exchanger during the treatment leads to a decrease in the total amount of Ca2+ in cardiomyocytes, resulting in a functional disorder of cardiomyocyte beating. In the case where the Ca2+ concentration in the plasma is higher than that in the dialysis fluid, an increase in the Ca2+ concentration in the dialysis fluid rescues the declining function of the beating cardiomyocytes.