臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.10(9)

特集名 在宅血液透析の勧め―円滑導入のためのノウハウ
題名 離脱の状況
発刊年月 2019年 09月
著者 熊谷 昌樹 坂井瑠実クリニック臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 在宅血液透析(HHD)はまだ普及しているとはいえない.その理由としては,HHDは危険であるという認識が強いためである.そのためHHDを離脱するに至った理由を検討し,今後HHDが発展していくうえで障壁となる事象を取り除く必要がある.HHD特有の離脱理由はシャント感染と介助者を理由とするものであり,当院では患者の対応力を原因としたものや高齢化による離脱はない.
Theme Reconsideration of standard hemodialysis: What is the optimal prescription and management for each patient?
Title Withdrawal from home hemodialysis
Author Masaki Kumagai Department of Clinical Engineering, Sakai Rumi Clinic
[ Summary ] Home hemodialysis (HHD) is not yet widely accepted in the society, primarily because HHD is considered risky. It is necessary to determine the factors associated with discontinuation of HHD and to attempt to eliminate or minimize factors that may interfere with the development and widespread acceptance of HHD in the future. The reasons for HHD-specific withdrawal are shunt infections and caregiver. We observed at our hospital that HHD discontinuation did not occur secondary to the patient's ability to respond or because of aging. Therefore, establishing uniform withdrawal criteria such as age would be inappropriate, and it is important to determine whether those who choose to withdraw can in fact continue HHD. Additionally, an assistant is required to perform HHD along with the patient. Thus, reducing the burden on caregivers could be an important factor that could favor continuation of HHD.