臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.10(4)

特集名 在宅血液透析の勧め―円滑導入のためのノウハウ
題名 看護師の役割
発刊年月 2019年 09月
著者 荒木 陽子 富田クリニック看護師
著者 一色 啓二 富田クリニック
著者 富田 耕彬 富田クリニック
【 要旨 】 在宅血液透析(HHD)は,治療の頻度や時間の自由度が高く,患者のQOLを向上させ,社会復帰に貢献しうる治療法である.一方,患者が自宅で独自に血液透析を行うため,導入期から維持期を通して患者の自己管理能力の向上と維持,介助者の理解と協力がHHD施行には必須である.
Theme Reconsideration of standard hemodialysis: What is the optimal prescription and management for each patient?
Title Role of nursing in home hemodialysis
Author Yoko Araki Department of Nursing, Tomita Clinic
Author Keiji Isshiki Tomita Clinic
Author Kobin Tomita Tomita Clinic
[ Summary ] Home hemodialysis (HHD) allows an increase in the frequency and duration of treatment, thereby improving patients' quality of life (QOL) and ensuring early and easy social reintegration of patients. Notably, improving and maintaining patients' self-management ability are important. Additionally, empathetic caregivers are indispensable throughout the maintenance period from the introduction of HHD to ensure that patients can independently perform HHD with the caregiver's assistance. An important component of dialysis nursing with respect to HHD is improvement in patients' QOL by understanding and supporting the patient's psychological and physical needs. It is also necessary to support the patient's family members who are caregivers, as well as a patient. Close nurse-patient coordination, as well as coordination with a caregiver is important through the introductory period including the training and maintenance period to build a relationship of mutual trust. Multidisciplinary collaboration between physicians, nurses, and clinical engineers is useful to both, the patient and the caregiver because sharing information of their condition from the respective technical viewpoints is an essential part of this therapy. Notably, the home visiting nursing service is useful to evaluate both the patient's and caregiver's condition during the maintenance period. Nurses play a key role in ensuring safe and continued HHD for all people concerned HHD.