臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.10(1)

特集名 在宅血液透析の勧め―円滑導入のためのノウハウ
題名 在宅血液透析の過去,現在,未来
発刊年月 2019年 09月
著者 政金 生人 清永会矢吹病院腎不全総合対策室
【 要旨 】 わが国の在宅血液透析(HHD)は1968年に名古屋で始まり,2017年末時点で684人と透析患者全体の0.2%にすぎない.HHDは患者QOLと生命予後の改善が期待されるだけでなく,総透析医療費の低減化にも寄与する.HHDには,患者の自立と自己責任の意識が不可欠な要素であり,これは21世紀の医療の中心概念である.HHDの普及を阻む課題を一つずつクリアして,HHDをもっと普及させていく必要がある.
Theme Reconsideration of standard hemodialysis: What is the optimal prescription and management for each patient?
Title Home hemodialysis in Japan: the past, present and future
Author Ikuto Masakane Global CKD Management Division, Yabuki Hospital
[ Summary ] The history of home hemodialysis dates back to 1968 at Nagoya in Japan. However, only 684 patients underwent home hemodialysis at the end of 2017, and this treatment was performed in only 0.2 % of all patients undergoing dialysis in Japan. Home hemodialysis could improve patients' quality of life and also reduce the financial burden of chronic dialysis therapy. Encouraging patient independence and self-responsibility are essential for successful home hemodialysis, and these factors constitute the core concepts of medicine in the 21st century. It is necessary to resolve the issues that interfere with widespread use of home hemodialysis in Japan to ensure that this approach is promoted throughout the country.