臨牀透析 Vol.35 No.1(8-7-3)

特集名 透析患者の糖尿病管理の新展開
題名 合併症 (7) 末梢動脈疾患 c.フットケアのあり方
発刊年月 2019年 01月
著者 山口 曜子 大阪市立大学大学院看護学研究科慢性看護学
【 要旨 】 透析患者の足切断の回避のためには,血流障害の早期発見が重要である.毎透析時に関わる看護師は,足病変をもっとも発見できる立場にあり,足病変のハイリスク患者に対し,神経障害,血流障害,変形などの観察とフットケアシートを活用し経過を見ることが重要である.観察の頻度は患者の足の状態で変わるが,看護師は足病変に対する知識を深め観察力をもち,患者の状況に合わせた定期的な観察とケアを行っていくことが重要である.透析患者の足病変では,看護師の観察力が早期治療と下肢切断の回避に繋がり,看護力が透析患者のQOLを守ることができるという意識をもちフットケアを提供していく必要がある.
Theme New perspectives in the management of patients with diabetes undergoing dialysis
Title Ideal foot care techniques
Author Yoko Yamaguchi Osaka City University Graduate School of Nursing
[ Summary ] Early diagnosis of impaired blood flow is important to avoid foot amputation in patients undergoing dialysis. Dialysis nurses who actively participate in each dialysis session can identify extensive foot lesions or even those occurring during the early stages. Patients at a high risk of foot lesions should be carefully observed and monitored for neurological and blood flow disorders, as well as deformities, and other such conditions, and their progress should be evaluated using foot care sheets. Although the frequency of observation varies based on the state of the patient's foot, nurses need to be trained in observing and identifying foot lesions for early and accurate diagnosis. Periodic observation and care of feet is important based on the patient's condition. Nurses need to take foot care with observation that avoiding early treatment and amputation of foot lesions of dialysis patients and consciousness that the power of nursing protects the quality of life of dialysis patients.