臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.9(8)

特集名 小児腎不全―移行期医療の管理
題名 小児血液透析の現況
発刊年月 2018年 08月
著者 芦田 明 大阪医科大学小児科
著者 中倉 兵庫 有澤総合病院血液浄化センター
【 要旨 】 小児における血液透析療法は,医療の進歩に伴い,新生児や低出生体重児においても安全に施行できるようになり,20歳未満で腎代替療法に導入される児の15%に血液透析が選択されている.しかし,バスキュラーアクセスの作製や抗凝固における配慮,成長に合わせたドライウエイトの設定変更など成人に比し,多くの医療者の手がかかる.そのような環境下で医療を受けている児を成人担当科に転科させ,血液透析を継続するためには,患者の教育とともに,小児科側からの適切な情報提供と成人科における患者からの情報抽出の工夫が必要である.本稿では小児血液透析患者の現況と移行における留意点を概説する.
Theme Pediatric end-stage kidney disease -- management of transition
Title Current status of pediatric hemodialysis
Author Akira Ashida Department of Pediatrics, Osaka Medical College
Author Hyogo Nakakura Blood Purification Center, Arisawa General Hospital
[ Summary ] As a result of recent advances in medical treatment, hemodialysis therapy can now be performed safely in children, including neonates and low-birth-weight infants. Hemodialysis is selected as renal replacement therapy for over 15 % of children under the age of 20 years. However, pediatric patients require considerable medical attention in comparison with adults, including care in creating a blood access point and control of anticoagulation, as well as changing the settings for dry weight according to growth. In order to manage the transition of hemodialysis therapy from pediatric patients to adult renal services, it is necessary to provide adequate information about individual patients and to acquire information from patients receiving adult renal services. This article provides an overview of hemodialysis therapy for pediatric patients and outlines important points that need to be considered regarding their transition to adult services.