臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.9(1)

特集名 小児腎不全―移行期医療の管理
題名 小児から成人への移行期の重要性
発刊年月 2018年 08月
著者 藤枝 幹也 高知大学医学部小児思春期医学
【 要旨 】 医学の進歩により,小児期に発症した慢性疾患患者の長期生存が可能となり,小児から成人に移行(transition)する支援が必要になってきた.自立した生活が可能な思春期・若年成人(AYA)世代の慢性疾患患者が,自己能力が発揮でき,最大限のQOLが得られるように,移行プロブラムをもって計画的に転科(transfer)できるように進めることが重要である.小児期からAYA世代,さらに成人期までの移行過程の時期に,良質な医療を中断させてはならない.本稿では,移行の現状と問題点を示すと同時に移行医療の重要性について述べる.
Theme Pediatric end-stage kidney disease -- management of transition
Title The importance of a smooth transition from pediatric to adult healthcare
Author Mikiya Fujieda Department of Pediatrics, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
[ Summary ] The number of patients transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare has progressively increased due to improved medical management. Adult healthcare professionals are increasingly treating adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients who have either transitioned from pediatric care or have presented directly to adult services. There is a substantial risk of nonadherence during this time of transition. Therefore, the process to prepare pediatric patients in their move from caregiver-directed care to self-management of the disease as adults is important. Transition from pediatric to adult healthcare is an individualized process that provides AYA patients with appropriate self-management skills and assesses their support structures. Support for AYA patients should include both pediatric and adult-focused sides and is required to ensure continuity of care from childhood to adulthood.