臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.8(8-1)

特集名 透析患者の余暇とレクリエーション
題名 旅行が身体,心理に与える影響(1)旅行
発刊年月 2018年 07月
著者 古殿 孝高 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 本稿では,旅行が身体,心理に与える影響とCKD(chronic kidney disease)患者のリスクについて,旅行者血栓症,高山病,旅行者下痢症,時差症候群に関連し述べた.CKDは旅行者血栓症の高リスクで,発症頻度はeGFR(estimated glomerular filtration rate)の低下や尿蛋白の増加に相関する.高地環境はCKDの増悪を促進する可能性があり,尿蛋白増加や末期腎不全は高山病のリスクで,透析患者では肺水腫のリスクが高まる.旅行者下痢症はCKD患者では,免疫能低下から重篤化しやすく,透析患者はバスキュラーアクセス閉塞,CVD(cardiovascular disease)イベント,脳卒中など続発症の高リスクである.時差によるサーカディアンリズムの不調は,高血圧やCVDイベントと関連する.これらからCKD患者の旅行は一般患者と比較しハイリスクと考える.
Theme Leisure and dialysis patients
Title The influence of travel on CKD patients' bodies and psychological condition
Author Yoshitaka Furuto Department of Hypertension and Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
[ Summary ] In this report, I speak about the physical and psychological influences and risks associated with travel in CKD patients, focusing on traveler's thrombosis, altitude sickness, traveler's diarrhea, and jet lag syndrome. Among CKD patients, the high risk of traveler's thrombosis is owing to the drop in estimated glomerular filtration rate and increase in urine protein.
High-altitude environments may promote the exacerbation of CKD. Urine protein increase and end-stage renal disease are risks of altitude sickness, and the risk of pulmonary edema increases in dialysis patients. CKD patients' decreased immunity exacerbates traveler's diarrhea, and dialysis patients are at high risk of vascular access closure and cardiovascular (CVD) events. Circadian rhythm disorders caused by differences in time are related to hypertension and CVD events. Therefore, I believe travel involves far greater risks for CKD patients than it does for general patients.