臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.8(7)

特集名 透析患者の余暇とレクリエーション
題名 音楽が身体,心理に与える影響
発刊年月 2018年 07月
著者 齊藤 恵理香 元聖路加国際病院緩和ケア科
【 要旨 】 音楽療法は代替療法として,広い分野で導入されてきているが,アメリカと比較し,日本は保険診療や音楽療法士の育成の部分で後れをとっている.音楽療法の効果は多岐にわたるが,統計学的リサーチは困難で,エビデンスレベルは高くはない.しかし実際に目にする効果は論文では表現しきれない.今後,多くの日本の医療領域に音楽療法が導入されることを望む.
Theme Leisure and dialysis patients
Title The effects of music on the body and psychology
Author Erika Saito Palliative Care Department, St.Luke's International Hospital
[ Summary ] Music therapy has been widely introduced as an alternative therapy, but compared to the USA, Japan lags in the development of insurance practices that include coverage for treatment by music therapists. Although the effects of music therapy are diverse, statistical research is difficult to find and the empirical evidence level is not high. However, the effects actually seen are not fully expressed in the literature. I hope music therapy will be introduced to many medical areas in Japan in the future.