臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.6(2)

特集名 透析室の感染症へどう対応するか
題名 スタンダードプリコーションは院内感染防止の基礎である
発刊年月 2018年 06月
著者 森兼 啓太 山形大学医学部附属病院検査部・感染制御部
【 要旨 】 透析導入患者の死亡原因として,ここ数年感染症が心不全を上回り第1位である.透析患者における感染症のリスクは高く,とくに透析医療現場での感染防止が喫緊の課題である.個々の感染症に対して,その伝播を防ぐ方策は経路別予防策と呼ばれるが,感染症かどうかわからない,判断がつかないケースでも病原体の伝播を効率的に制御する方法が標準予防策である.標準予防策はおもに手指衛生・個人防護具・血液媒介病原体曝露防止・環境制御の四つからなり,これらに沿った標準的な感染対策を行うことにより,日常的な感染対策が推進される.
Theme Dealing with infections in hemodialysis facilities
Title Standard precaution: bottom-line strategy for preventing infections in the healthcare setting
Author Keita Morikane Division of Clinical Laboratory and Infection Control, Yamagata University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Patients undergoing dialysis die more frequently of infectious diseases than other illnesses including cardiac failure. These patients are at a high risk of infection, and prevention of infection in a dialysis setting is paramount. Transmission route-based precautions are effective to prevent/manage known infectious diseases; however, this strategy is not useful in patients in whom an accurate diagnosis of an infectious disease has not been established. Standard precaution, when applied in all situations in the healthcare setting, is effective in preventing transmission of pathogens. This approach is the bottom-line strategy used to prevent infections. Hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, precautions against blood-borne pathogens, and environmental control remain essential components of this preventative strategy. Standard practices based on these principles, when implemented by each healthcare worker can effectively prevent transmission of various types of infection.