臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.5(6)

特集名 透析患者の体力と認知力を考える―患者と家族が満足するキュアとケア
題名 満足度の高い楽しい食事
発刊年月 2018年 05月
著者 伊藤 洋平 神奈川県立がんセンター栄養管理科
著者 藤井 理恵薫 神奈川県立がんセンター栄養管理科
著者 長谷川 俊男 あだち五反野腎クリニック
【 要旨 】 透析患者の食事療法は複雑で患者のストレスが生じやすい.CKDステージや透析modalityによる必要栄養量を把握し,食事療法に対する患者背景を理解し,継続的かつ具体的な指導を行う.治療用特殊食品を積極的に利用することで無理のない食事調整が可能となる.しかし購入方法や価格,内容に問題も生じやすいため,患者の負担を配慮する.食事制限だけでは栄養状態の維持は困難である.リンやカリウム吸着薬のアドヒアランスにも留意し,他職種との連携をはかる.これらを考慮することで患者の満足度が向上する.
Theme Practical approach to improve physical and cognitive function of patients on chronic dialysis: Points of satisfaction for patients and their families
Title Diet improving quality of life
Author Yohei Ito Department of Nutrition, Kanagawa Cancer Center
Author Rieka Fujii Department of Nutrition, Kanagawa Cancer Center
Author Toshio Hasegawa Adachi Gotanno Kidney Clinic
[ Summary ] Diet therapy in patients undergoing dialysis frequently exposes patients to stress due to its complexity. The nutritional requirements of patients ought to be determined based on the stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), the dialysis modality used in a particular patient, as well as the patient's background to provide continuous and concrete guidance.
Positive use of special nutritional supplements helps to easily adjust the nutritional intake in these patients. However, the patient's economic burden requires close attention because patients frequently face problems with purchasing these items, their prices and contents. Dietary restrictions/modifications alone may not successfully maintain an optimal nutritional status in these patients. Additionally, adherence to the adequate intake of phosphorus and potassium adsorbents needs monitoring, and cooperation with professionals with other expertise.Attention to the above-mentioned factors would help to improve the quality of life in these patients.