臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.5(4)

特集名 透析患者の体力と認知力を考える―患者と家族が満足するキュアとケア
題名 実地レベルで栄養介入が必要な患者を見つける
発刊年月 2018年 05月
著者 神田 英一郎 川崎医科大学医学部特任教授
【 要旨 】 透析患者では低栄養に慢性炎症や動脈硬化性疾患が合併しやすく,生命予後に影響するため,低栄養患者を早期に発見し治療する必要がある.透析患者の低栄養状態は,protein energy wastingとして定義され,低アルブミン血症などの生化学検査,体格,筋肉量,そして食事摂取量の低下をもとに診断される.透析患者の栄養状態を評価するためには,透析患者に特有の病態を考慮に入れた,複合的な栄養指標が有用であり,SGA,MIS,GNRI,SIなどが使用されている.栄養指標には日本人透析患者にそのまま適用することが難しい場合があるため,日本人のデータに基づいた栄養指標の開発が必要である.
Theme Practical approach to improve physical and cognitive function of patients on chronic dialysis: Points of satisfaction for patients and their families
Title Identifying patients with malnutrition in clinical settings
Author Eiichiro Kanda Medical Science, Kawasaki Medical School
[ Summary ] Patients undergoing dialysis are prone to malnutrition with accompanying evidence of chronic infl ammation and atherosclerosis, which affects their prognosis. Thus, early examination and treatment are necessary. Malnutrition in these patients is defined as protein-energy wasting, which is diagnosed on the basis of biochemical tests, physical constitution of patients, muscle mass, and a decrease in the quantities of meals consumed. Based on their specific condition, their nutritional status is evaluated using composite nutritional indices such as the subjective global assessment tool, malnutrition-inflammation scores, the geriatric nutrition risk index, and the survival index. Of note, these nutritional indices may not be applicable to all Japanese patients undergoing dialysis; therefore, new nutritional indices with wider applicability in Japanese patients undergoing dialysis need to be established.