臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.5(2)

特集名 透析患者の体力と認知力を考える―患者と家族が満足するキュアとケア
題名 認知症予防
発刊年月 2018年 05月
著者 浦上 克哉 鳥取大学医学部保健学科生体制御学
【 要旨 】 認知症の第1次予防は,つい最近まで不可能と思われていたが,近年の科学的エビデンスから可能性が示されてきた.認知症の人が462万人,軽度認知障害(MCI)の人が400万人という日本の状況からは,第1次~第3次までの認知症予防対策を徹底的に行っていくことが急務と考えられる.認知症検診を行い,軽度認知障害を早期に見つけ認知症予防教室を勧めて認知症への進展を防止する(第1次予防).軽度の認知症を見つけたら専門医療機関へ紹介し早期診断・早期治療に結びつける(第2次予防).認知症への適切な薬物治療とケアにより進行防止をはかる(第3次予防).認知症予防の一つの方法としてアロマセラピーが注目されている.アルツハイマー型認知症では嗅神経から神経変性が始まるので,アロマの香りで嗅神経を活性化させる方法である.
Theme Practical approach to improve physical and cognitive function of patients on chronic dialysis: Points of satisfaction for patients and their families
Title Prevention of dementia
Author Katsuya Urakami Department of Biological Regulation, School of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
[ Summary ] Prevention of dementia includes 3 steps: 1) Primary prevention involves preventing progression of normal and mild cognitive impairment to dementia. 2) Secondary prevention involves early detection and prompt treatment of dementia. 3) Tertiary prevention involves reducing the negative infl uence of the existing disease through restoration of function and preventing complications. Primary prevention of dementia had been considered impossible until recently; however, scientific evidence has shown its applicability and usefulness. Notably, 4.62 million people are affected by dementia and 4 million are diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. These statistics demonstrate that this issue is to be viewed as an urgent problem that warrants the implementation of effective dementia prevention strategies ranging from primary to tertiary prevention. We perform dementia screening using touch panel type computers, and we recommend that individuals diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment should be encouraged to join dementia prevention classrooms. This would be useful to prevent progression of mild cognitive impairment to dementia (primary prevention). Early diagnosis and institutionalization is warranted in those diagnosed with early stages of dementia for institution of prompt specialized treatment (secondary prevention). Preventing progression of this condition through prompt and appropriate drug treatment and supportive care should form an essential component of the management of patients diagnosed with dementia (tertiary prevention). Aromatherapy has been gaining attention as a useful method to prevent dementia. The mechanism of action of aromatherapy could be through activation of olfactory nerves, which prevents dementia progression, because neurodegeneration obser ved in Alzheimer-type dementia is known to originate in the olfactory nerves.