臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.3(1)

特集名 キュアとケアをつなぐナーシングスキル
題名 医療におけるキュアとケア
発刊年月 2018年 03月
著者 小松 康宏 群馬大学大学院医学系研究科医療の質・安全学講座
【 要旨 】 Cure(キュア)とCare(ケア)は医療の基本的概念であり,「キュアは生物医学的な疾患を医学的な治療によって治すもので,おもに医師が担当する,ケアは病いに悩む患者に対し,全人的なアプローチをするもので,看護師が担当する」と捉えられることが多い.しかし,慢性疾患が増えている今日,キュアとケアの意味が変わりつつある.キュアが病的状態からの完全な回復を意味するならば,慢性疾患の多くはキュアが望めないことになる.治癒が望めない疾患であっても,病的異常からの回復,症状の消失,再発の予防が達成されればキュアと考えてよいだろう.慢性疾患では患者教育,生活習慣改善,療養支援など,「ケア」の要素が治療の成否を左右する.また,患者が「治癒した」と感じるのは症状消失だけでなく,生活を取り戻したときであり,医学的介入に加えて「ケア」が重要となる.今日の医療では,「ケア」と「キュア」を単純に二分化することはできず,両者の融合が重要となっている.
Theme Nursing skill -- integrating cure and care
Title Cure and Care in healthcare
Author Yasuhiro Komatsu Department of Healthcare Quality and Safety, Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma University
[ Summary ] Cure and care are essential concepts in healthcare ; the classical view is that cure aims to overcome biomedical diseases through medical intervention mainly by physicians, while care aims to help people suffering from illnesses using a holistic approach mainly by nurses. The meaning of cure and care are evolving in the era of chronic diseases and an aging world. If cure aims for complete recovery from disease, curing is impossible for many chronic diseases. New concepts of cure may include recovery from abnormal states, absence of symptoms, or prevention of recurrence. To achieve a cure for chronic diseases, factors of care such as patient education, lifestyle modification, and/or supporting self-management are essential. Patients feel that they are cured when their quality of life is high, and not just when symptoms disappear ; care as well as cure thus become important. Care and cure are not distinct, separate concepts, and need to be integrated to promote quality healthcare.