臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.2(1)

特集名 透析患者のリハビリテーション―訓練と支援
題名 透析患者に対するリハビリテーション―腎臓リハビリテーション
発刊年月 2018年 02月
著者 上月 正博 東北大学大学院医学系研究科機能医科学講座内部障害学分野
【 要旨 】 透析患者は,高齢化や運動不足に加えて,尿毒症物質の蓄積,アシドーシス,炎症性サイトカインなどのためフレイル・PEW(protein energy wasting)をきたしやすい.運動耐容能の低下やフレイル・PEWは生活の質(QOL)や生命予後に大きな影響を与える.腎臓リハビリテーション(腎臓リハ)は,運動療法,食事療法と水分管理,薬物療法,教育,精神・心理的サポートなどを行う,長期にわたる包括的なプログラムであり,透析患者の筋量増加,栄養状態改善,QOL向上や生命予後改善をもたらす.さらに,保存期慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者の腎機能を改善させ,透析導入を先延ばしできる可能性が高い.日本腎臓リハビリテーション学会が設立され,診療報酬にも収載された.今後の腎臓リハの普及・発展が期待される.
Theme Rehabilitation therapy in dialysis patients -- training and support
Title Status of rehabilitation in dialysis patients
Author Masahiro Kohzuki Department of Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Science, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] This review focuses on the importance and efficacy of rehabilitation for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD) have very high mortality with cardiovascular diseases such as chronic heart failure, and higher mortality risk has been reported for sedentary HD patients. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials reported that exercise-based renal rehabilitation improved aerobic capacity, muscular and cardiovascular function, walking capacity, and health-related quality of life (QOL) in patients with CKD on HD. Moreover, exercise training may have renal protective effects not only in some animal models of pre-HD CKD but also in pre-HD CKD patients. Exercise therapy could be an effective clinical strategy to improve renal function and lower renal replacement therapy such as HD or renal transplant risk in pre-HD patients with CKD. In 2011, the Japanese Society of Renal Rehabilitation was established to evaluate and promote renal rehabilitation. Moreover, Japan is the only country that offers exercise training for patients with diabetes and pre-dialysis CKD stage 4-5 that is covered by the national health insurance system.