臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.13(10)

特集名 腹膜透析患者のキュア&ケアのレベルアップ
題名 災害時のPD
発刊年月 2018年 12月
著者 井上 浩伸 済生会熊本病院腎・泌尿器科
著者 副島 秀久 済生会熊本病包括診療部
【 要旨 】 2016年,熊本で2回の大地震を経験し災害時は持続携行式腹膜透析(CAPD)のほうが血液透析(HD)に比較してはるかに優れた一面があることを再認識した.その長所を活かすためには,災害への備えに対する患者への継続的な指導および被災後の医療者との適切な情報共有ができるかが重要なポイントとなる. この情報共有にはSBAR(situation,background,assessment,recommendation)に沿った対応が有効である.CAPDは被災地から避難すれば,機材のことも含め問題なく継続できる物流・情報システムが構築されている.もしCAPD継続困難となってもHDが施行できる状況であれば,エコーガイド下内頸静脈直接穿刺法にて透析治療が可能である.災害時には情報と資源を有効に活用し,患者とスタッフ,そして他施設との地域医療連携を行い,乗り越えていかねばならない.
Theme Outcomes of peritoneal dialysis treatment during the past half-century
Title Peritoneal dialysis in times of major disaster
Author Hironobu Inoue Department of Nephrology and Urology, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
Author Hidehisa Soejima Department of Integrative Medicine, Social Welfare Organization Imperial Gift Foundation, Inc. Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
[ Summary ] In 2016, there were two major earthquakes in Kumamoto, and we re-recognized that continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) had excellent cure and care advantages compared to hemodialysis (HD). To leverage these advantages, we must educate CAPD patients about the importance of disaster countermeasures and communicate this information properly after a disaster. Information about disasters must be concrete and clear. The situation-background-assessment-recommendation approach is an effective and excellent method for sharing information.If CAPD patients evacuate from a disaster area, transportation and information systems can enable them to continue CAPD. In addition, even when the patient is unable to continue CAPD in severe circumstances, HD can be provided via internal jugular vein puncture with ultrasonography, a new and simple method that does not require ordinary vascular access.
We must overcome various disasters by using effective information and resources based on the mutual cooperation of patients, medical staff, and the community health system.