臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.12(7-2)

特集名 2025年に向けた透析室のキュアとケア/透析室の洪水・土砂災害対策―西日本豪雨災害を受けて
題名 2025年に向けた在宅血液透析の普及 (2) ケアの面から
発刊年月 2018年 11月
著者 門嶋 洋子 新生会第一病院看護部
著者 宮下 美子 新生会第一病院看護部
【 要旨 】 在宅血液透析(HHD)は通院透析に比べ,低い医療費と日常的に関わる医療者が少なくてすむ治療である.看護師は個々の患者・家族をホリスティックに捉え,細かな情報収集とともに想いや考えを引き出しアセスメントしている.アセスメント結果から患者・介助者に合ったプランを立案・実施し,安全で豊かなHHD生活の実現につなげている.HHDに関わる看護師は高齢者の特徴を理解し,個々に応じた指導方法を工夫することで,HHDの実現を可能にする.患者・家族が高齢になりHHD継続の検討が必要になったときには,対象に応じたケアを行うことが,安全なHHDの継続につながる.
Theme Cure and care in dialysis wards heading for the year 2025 / Measures against fl oods and sediment disasters for dialysis wards
Title Diffusion of at-home hemodialysis for the "2025 problem" from the care perspective
Author Hiroko Kadoshima Department of Nursing, Shinseikai Daiichi Hospital
Author Yoshiko Miyashita Department of Nursing, Shinseikai Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] Home hemodialysis is a treatment that requires fewer health care personnel and routinely involved medical staff than outpatient dialysis. Throughout the case nurses approach patients and their families holistically; I collect information and reflect over numerous thoughts. Planning for patients and caretakers are formed based on the results of the assessment, and we implement a safe and rich home hemodialysis lifestyle. Nurses involved in home hemodialysis need to understand the characteristics of elderly people and devise guidance methods that are individually tailored to facilitate the realization of home hemodialysis. Patients and their families will become older as they continue their home hemodialysis. Then, it is necessary to consider shifting to home hemodialysis. As patients and carers become older, it is necessary to consider the continuation of home hemodialysis. It is necessary to implement appropriate care according to the subject. Because it leads to continuation of safe home hemodialysis.