臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.12(5-3)

特集名 2025年に向けた透析室のキュアとケア/透析室の洪水・土砂災害対策―西日本豪雨災害を受けて
題名 2025年に向けた健康寿命をいかに伸ばすか (3) 認知症予防のキュアとケア
発刊年月 2018年 11月
著者 浦上 克哉 鳥取大学医学部保健学科生体制御学講座
【 要旨 】 認知症の第1次予防は,つい最近まで不可能と思われていたが,近年の科学的エビデンスからその可能性が示されてきた.認知症の人が462万人,軽度認知障害の人が400万人という日本の状況からは,第1次~第3次までの認知症予防対策を徹底的に行っていくことが急務と考えられる.認知症をきたす疾患は数多くあり,各疾患により病態が異なり,予防対策も同じではない.治療薬がある疾患はアルツハイマー型認知症とレビー小体型認知症である.しかし,治療薬が根本的なものでないので予防が必要である.第3次予防に該当する認知症の進行を予防するためのケアは重要である.
Theme Cure and care in dialysis wards heading for the year 2025 / Measures against fl oods and sediment disasters for dialysis wards
Title Cure and care for dementia prevention
Author Katsuya Urakami Department of Biological Regulation, School of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
[ Summary ] Dementia prevention consists of three phases. The primary prevention of dementia serves to prevent the transition from normal and mild cognitive impairment to dementia. Secondary prevention concerns the early detection and early treatment of dementia, and tertiary prevention concerns the three stages of progress prevention symptoms in dementia. The primary prevention of dementia had been considered impossible until recently, but promising scientific evidence has been recently established. 4.62 million people have been diagnosed with dementia and 400 million people have mild cognitive impairments that are considered to be an urgent problem. Thus we aim to implement thorough primary to tertiary dementia prevention. There are many diseases that cause dementia and these conditions vary depending on the disease, and so preventive measures are not the same. Diseases with therapeutic agents are the Alzheimer type dementia and Lewy body type dementia. Prevention is necessary although therapeutic drugs are not fundamental to do so and care is very important to prevent the progression of dementia as a form of tertiary prevention.